Fisch has just received a massive Northern Expedition update. If you’ve already reached the top of the mountain by maintaining the perfect temperature and oxygen levels, you have one final puzzle to solve and get the opportunity to purchase the latest Heaven’s Rod.
The Northern Expedition in Roblox’s Fisch takes you to a snowy mountain, which has multiple levels where you can purchase different fishing rods, oxygen cylinders, and the advanced glider. The Energy Crystals let you get the powerful Heaven’s Rod, which quintuples the fishes’ value, which is amazing for late-game players.
Here’s everything you need to know about four Energy Crystals locations in Roblox’s Fisch.
Table of contents
All four Energy Crystals locations in Fisch, listed
Here is a look at all four Energy Crystals locations in Fisch and the ways you can add them to your inventory to use them to unlock the Northern Expedition Frozen Vault.
Blue Energy Crystal Location in Fisch

To free the Blue Energy Crystal from its icy tomb, you’ll need to buy the pickaxe after climbing the first part of the mountain. Once you come across the first camp after climbing the mountain from the left side, go to your right to find a small cave with blue crystals. Once you go near it, you’ll spot the Blue Energy Crystal inside the ice.
Make your way further up by following the ladders to reach the next camp to your left to find a pickaxe kept on a crate. You can purchase it for C$ 1,500, which is relatively cheap. Go back to the cave, equip the pickaxe, and mine the ice around the Blue Crystal until the game lets you collect it.
Green Energy Crystal Location in Fisch

The Green Energy Crystal can be obtained by talking to a mysterious NPC in Fisch. To find this NPC, make your way up to the mountain all the way to the camp to your left with the pickaxe, with a way to continue up the mountain on the right. Go straight from here to find a water body and swim across it.
While swimming, you’ll spot the mysterious NPC on your left, and you can interact with him to get the Green Energy Crystal in your inventory.
Yellow Energy Crystal Location in Fisch

To get your hands on the Yellow Energy Crystal, you will need to get your hands on the Avalanche Totem for C$ 150,000. You can find the Avalanche Totem hidden away near the right side toward the first bridge that you cross heading up the mountain. Don’t take the bridge here; go right instead to find the Totem and purchase it.
Now, go back to the place from where you can go straight to find the Green Energy Crystal. This time, take the right path and go straight until you see three big stones near the ledge. You can change your angle to find a small part below the ledge where you can land and collect the Yellow Energy Crystal. You can only collect this during an Avalanche event, so if you don’t have enough money to buy the totem, wait near the ledge for someone else to use it, and then you can jump down to collect it for yourself.
Red Energy Crystal Location in Fisch

The Red Energy Crystal is next to the NPC in the red shirt near the puzzle at the top of the mountain, but you can only talk to him once you get all the other Energy Crystals. Then he’ll tell you to explore other islands to unravel its secrets—press various hidden buttons—and find the last Energy Crystal.
These are the islands and the button locations you are looking for:
- Moosewood: The starting island has the leaderboards in front of the Shipwright NPC. Go behind the boards, and you’ll find the button. Interact with it to turn it green and move on to the next island.
- Forsaken Shores: Once you come to Forsaken, find the Tower that can be climbed using the long ladder attached. You can easily spot it from a distance. Once you climb it completely, you’ll find the button.
- Roslit: After landing in the Roslit Hamlet, go toward the left direction to find the Angler NPC and the fireplace. One NPC should be sitting on the wooden log near the fire. Look on the log for the button.
- Ancient Isles: Go towards the Lighthouse and find its door. It’s the same place where you can purchase the Stone Rod.
- Snowcap: Go to the Upper Snowcap and find a Wilson NPC standing on the ledge near two light posts. After you find him, extend your camera angle to see the button on the light post, which is a little bit further from the NPC, to locate your final button.
After activating all the hidden buttons, get back to the top of the Northern Expedition near the puzzle and talk to the NPC. Now, he’ll give you the option to purchase the Red Crystal for C$ 250,000. Once you’re done, an earthquake will open the Northern Expedition Frozen Vault, which contains the special Heaven’s Rod, a perfect late-game tool to work with.
Published: Dec 21, 2024 03:45 pm