The Elevated Ring is a pesky item in Remnant 2’s Awakened King DLC that torments players by sitting in plain sight while being totally out of reach.
Read on to learn how you can get your hands on this elusive ring, and why it’s worth time to do just that.
How to get the Elevated Ring in Remnant 2 The Awakened King
As you’re nearing the end of the Forlorn Coast’s external sections, you can see the Elevated Ring sitting on a section of ground that doesn’t appear reachable at first. Of course, you won’t know at this point that it’s the Elevated Ring specifically that you’re looking at, but odds are that my mention of a purple item behind a short but inaccessible fence just in front of the the King’s Palace rings a bell.

This item can first be seen after continuing past the first section of the Mournful Promenade—the massive bridge with a collapsed midsection that leads towards the King’s Palace. Conveniently, there is a checkpoint on the Mournful Promenade that can be fast traveled to, so if you missed the Elevated Ring your first time around, you know exactly where to return to.
After you walk across the first half of the Mournful Promenade, a small ladder on the right side of the bridge brings you back down to ground level, where you will make your way up to the other side of the bridge. It is on this ground level Promenade Intermission that you can first see the Elevated Ring, but you shouldn’t waste your time trying to reach it. You cannot actually reach the area that the ring is sitting in until you are on the second half of the Mournful Promenade. Thankfully, if you can see the ring, you’re very close to that point.
Continue on past the ring, and a series of walkways and ladders will bring you up the second half of the Mournful Promenade, and by proxy the base of The King’s Palace. From this area, there is an old fashioned open air elevator that will bring you down to the Elevated Ring. If you look on the map once you’re on the second half of the Promenade, you can actually clearly see this elevator, as it’s indicated as a huge bird-cage on the map. Additionally, if you’re looking at the blocked off section from ground level, you can look up and see this elevator on the wall behind the ring, which gives you a huge hint on what you need to do to reach the area.
Before you can descend on the elevator, you must flip a lever on a beam right next to it, presumably to power it up or something to that effect. Once you’ve flipped the lever, reaching the Elevated Ring is as simple as stepping onto the platform and being patient for a few moments as you make your descent.
Remnant 2: Elevated Ring stats
- Increases Dodge Weight Threshold by five
- Reduces Encumbrance by five
The Elevated Ring has a great “power to inconvenience to acquire” ratio. It increases your Dodge Weight Threshold and reduces your overall Encumbrance, meaning it can be a great choice for speedy builds looking for some extra zap as well as slower, tankier builds looking to strengthen up some weak points.
Dodge Weight Threshold can be difficult for newer players to understand, as it almost feels like the name is intentionally weird. Simply put, this stat refers to dodge speed and distance. If you’re wearing heavier armor, your Dodge Weight Threshold is lower, meaning your rolls take longer, cover less ground, and take up more stamina. If you’re wearing lighter armor, you dodge faster, further, and for less stamina. The Elevated Ring makes you light and speedy no matter what you’re wearing.
Because the benefits of this ring are static, you may find that its benefit is skewed for better or worse depending on where your Dodge Weight Threshold and Encumbrance sit before equipping it. On certain builds, you might be doubling both values, meaning you’ll see a clearly tangible affect—whereas on others it may be nearly imperceptible. I recommend equipping the ring while out of combat so you can directly test how your rolls look and feel with the ring vs. without it.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 4:20 PM UTC