Mega Lucario is making a splash in Pokémon Go, as players can face off against it in Mega Raids for a limited time. For those who plan to challenge it, make sure you know its weaknesses and the best Pokémon to counter it.
You’ll want to bring together some of the best teams to use against it when preparing to challenge Mega Lucario in a Mega Raid. Not only do you need to bring some of your best Pokémon with you, but it also helps to have plenty of friends alongside you to take it on in Pokémon Go. Everyone on your team will want to know how to bring it down, giving you the best chance to Mega Evolve it.
All Mega Lucario weaknesses in Pokémon Go

Mega Lucario is the same typing as its standard form, a Fighting and Steel-type Pokémon. It will be weak against Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type attacks, but is resistant against Bug, Dark, Dragon, Grass, Ice, Normal, Poison, Steel, and Rock-type moves. You primarily want to focus on using Fighting and Fire-type attacks and Pokémon that can use these moves to do the most damage against Mega Lucario.
You’ll also want to know what attacks to expect during this fight. These are all the moves Mega Lucario can use against you during a Mega Raid in Pokémon Go.
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)
- Blaze Kick (Fire-type)
- Bullet Punch (Steel-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Counter (Fighting-type)
- Flash Cannon (Steel-type)
- Power-up Punch (Fighting-type)
- Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)
- Thunder Punch (Electric-type)
Unfortunately, because Lucario has been in the mobile game for a good amount of time, it has a variety of attacks it can use. Many of them are Fighting and Steel-types, but it also can use Fire, Ghost, and Electric-types. Still, you’ll want to rely on Flying, Psychic, Fairy, or Ghost-type Pokémon for your Pokémon Go team.
Best Pokémon to counter Mega Lucario in Pokémon Go
When facing off against Mega Lucario, the best Pokémon to use will be Reshiram, Chandelure, and Mega Y Charizard.
Reshiram is a Legendary Dragon and Fire-type Pokémon, capable of unleashing heavy damage against Mega Lucario using several Fire-type moves. For anyone with one that knows Fusion Flare, Reshiram can be one of the strong Pokémon to use in Pokémon Go. The best moveset to teach Reshiram is the fast move Fire Fang and the charged moves Fusion Flare and Overheat.
Next, we have Chandelure, a Fire and Ghost-type Pokémon. Chandelure will do well to resist many of Mega Lucario’s Fighting-type moves during the battle, but it will be weak against Shadow Ball. Thankfully, Lucario shouldn’t use it too often during the encounter. The best moveset to give Chandelure is the fast move Fire Spin and the charged moves Overheat and Flame Charge.
The last Pokémon I recommend against Mega Lucario is Mega Y Charizard. You can use the standard Charizard for this encounter, but Mega Evolution will be used far more. It’s a solid Fire and Flying-type Pokémon and can withstand many of Mega Lucario’s Fighting-type attacks. The best moveset to teach Mega Y Charizard is the fast move Fire Spin and the charged moves Blast Burn and Overheat in Pokémon Go.
You’ll need a full team of six Pokémon against Mega Lucario. You may consider adding these other choices to your roster to prepare for this Mega Raid.
- Darmanitan
- Entei
- Excadrill
- Heracross
- Ho-Oh
- Infernape
- Keldeo
- Landorus
- Machamp
- Mega Blaziken
- Mega Garchomp
- Moltres
- Primal Groudon
- Terrakion
- Typhlosion
After defeating Mega Lucario, you’ll have a chance to catch Lucario at the end of the battle. There’s a chance Lucario can appear to you in its Shiny form, and it will know how to use the charged move Force Palm.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 9:04 PM UTC