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Stopping an ultimate can be the difference between victory and defeat in Overwatch. Some skills, like Sombra’s EMP, have a very short window of opportunity during which the hero is vulnerable.
Shutting down a Sombra ultimate requires steady hands and fast reflexes. And that’s exactly how Overwatch pro Jiri “LiNkzr” Masalin did it.
The skill shot happened on stream during a match on Hollywood. LinkzR was on the defending team, who stood guard to halt the attackers’ advance. The enemy Sombra tried to flank from the side, but LinkzR quickly caught her between the crosshairs and took her down with a well-placed headshot.
The headshot took LinkzR’s team by surprise. They only listened to half of Sombra’s signature voice line before it was interrupted and the EMP never came.
LinkzR has represented the Houston Outlaws since the Overwatch League’s inaugural season and is still under contract with the team for 2020. His hitscan prowess gave him a prominent spot in the league, but season two’s meta forced him out of his comfort zone into heroes like Brigitte and Zarya.
He’ll likely be joined by veteran cowboys Jacob “Jake” Lyon and Dante “Danteh” Cruz as DPS in the 2020 season. Jake’s contract is still valid and Danteh is listed as a team option, according to the Overwatch League website.
The Outlaws are also bringing in backup from other teams for next year. Los Angeles Gladiators’ João Pedro “Hydration” Goes Telles and the Boston Uprising’s Jeffrey “blasé” Tsang will don the black and green jerseys in the 2020 season.
Published: Nov 11, 2019 4:29 PM UTC