There are a handful of legendary weapons you have the chance to find while playing Once Human, but tracking them down can be a challenge. There’s the Fabled Masamune katana that many melee-focused players want to get their hands on, but it doesn’t appear often.
You’ll want to focus on finding it at a particular location. The Fabled Masamune katana doesn’t drop in every location, and even if you’re in the correct place, there’s a good chance you might not be able to get it. It all comes down to repeating dungeons and running through the same content in Once Human, hoping you get lucky enough to find these weapons and add them to your collection.
Where to get Fabled Masamune katana in Once Human

The Fabled Masamune katana has a chance to drop while exploring the Securement Silo-Theta dungeon, which you can find in the Red Sands area. The Red Sands is one of the final regions you can unlock in Once Human, which means making your way through a good chunk of the main story quests to reach this point. You gain access to the Red Sands after you defeat the Shadow Hound at the Monolith of Thirst in the Chalk Peak area. You can also expect to find high-end loot, such as the extended rifle mag or crystals for your Rare Crystal Sets.
You don’t want to go straight to the Securement Silo-Theta dungeon after unlocking Red Sands. It’s a level 45 dungeon, and you can farm it better by ensuring you’re at the same level or regularly prepared to fight against level 45 enemies. These foes can easily swarm you, so you’ll want to clear through most of the strongholds scattered throughout the Red Sands in Once Human before embarking on this adventure.
However, even if you complete the Securement Silo-Theta dungeon and get the loot, there’s a chance it won’t drop a Fabled Masamune katana. It’s a legendary weapon, and therefore has a low chance of dropping. Still, you’ll get good equipment for your troubles, making this content worthwhile even if you don’t get the Fabled Masamune.
After you complete it enough times, it should become easier, and what’s better is you should be able to tackle this dungeon by yourself. You don’t have to bring a group to reach the end; just make sure you’re at least level 45 in Once Human.
Published: Jul 25, 2024 04:09 pm