Cute and ferocious animals have taken over the Limited Draft and Sealed Magic: The Gathering format, with the Mouse archetype potentially standing out as the best Aggro build within Bloomburrow Draft.
This article should help you head into Prerelease, Draft, and Sealed events at local game stores or through MTG Arena confidently while playing the Mouse archetype. Don’t sleep on our exclusive spreadsheet of every card in Bloomburrow graded for Limited play that’s available to all MTG Madness subscribers.
How MTG Bloomburrow Mouse archetype works

The Bloomburrow Draft Mouse archetype is an aggressive, low-cost build that uses targeting your creature through Valiant to your advantage. Of all the new MTG mechanics, I believe Valiant is the strongest within the BLB Draft format.
We’ve seen target your stuff in Limited before, with the archetypes having above-average success if you drafted the best cards. The Valiant mechanic provides additional flexibility when crafting a deck rather than relying on a specific card. Naturally, there are bombs within the Mouse archetype—like Mabel, Heir to the Craglame, and Manifold Mouse. if I had to pick one after playing the Bloomburrow Early Access event, I’d say Manifold Mouse is the better Rare of the two.

The Bloomburrow Draft format is quick and aggressive, containing a decent number of one-drops across all five MTG colors, three of which slot into the Mouse archetype. Playing the Boros archetype means keeping your Curve low, with only one or two top-end creatures or spells that work as finishers.
Signpost Common and Uncommon cards for the Boros Mouse Bloomburrow Draft archetype are Seedglaive Mentor and Veteran Guardmouse. Seedglaive Mentor is strong enough to pull you into the Mouse archetype, but I’m not a big fan of Veteran Guardmouse. The hybrid four-drop isn’t a good finisher unless you have a way to target it. Instead, I prefer to run the hybrid BLB Common Seedpod Squire.

A majority of Mice in Bloomburrow have the Valiant mechanic, wanting to be targeted. The more ways you can target creatures you control, the better your build will be. Seedpod Squire is a great way to target creatures you control while having solid enough stats to affect the board state. Combat tricks are another great way to target your stuff, especially if you can splash Green into your build.
Here are my favorite Mouse archetype Common and Uncommon rarity cards from Bloomburrow I tested out during Early Access and will continue to test through Prerelease, as well as MTG Arena Draft/Sealed events. Any updates will be posted before the Prerelease events start on July 26 and the global launch on Aug. 2.
Best MTG Bloomburrow Valiant payoffs in the Mouse archetype
- Brambleguard Captain
- Flowerfoot Swordmaster
- Heartfire Hero
- Seedglave Mentor
- Whiskerquill Scribe
Best MTG Bloomburrow one and two-drops in Mouse archetype
- Brazen Collector
- Heartfire Hero
- Brightblade Stoat
- Foutainport Bell (great for splashing Green)
- Lifecreed Duo
- Raccoon Rallier
Best MTG Bloomburrow combat tricks to use in the Mouse archetype
- Rabid Gnaw
- Might of the Meek
- Mabel’s Mettle
- Giant Growth (Green)
- High Stride (Green)
- Longstalk Brawl (Green)
Published: Jul 24, 2024 03:07 pm