There are plenty of different support champions that have come and gone through League of Legends‘ meta, but in Patch 14.17, one pick is quickly rising up the ranks in Korea as one of the best-performing in the role.
Poppy is currently sitting at the top of Korea’s support champion ladder with a role-leading 54.1 percent win rate in Platinum ranks and higher, according to League stats aggregate U.GG. She also has over 4,000 games played in the ranked distribution, and although this still classifies her as a bit of a niche pick, she could quickly rise in playtime as the patch rages onward.

The champion didn’t even receive any changes in Patch 14.17, save for a quality of life adjustment where she can continue to charge up her ultimate ability while affected by crowd control. This, however, isn’t the biggest reason why she has become a pocket pick for support players who frequent tanky front liners.
In general, Poppy provides teams with a ton of engage and disengage potential since she brings a good amount of crowd control to lock down an opposing player in lane and in the mid-to-late game. She can, however, save an AD carry from impending doom by knocking away a jungler or roaming mid with her ultimate ability, nullifying any attempts at a gank.
Later on, she can be the tip of the spear for a teamfight, whether she’s rushing forward to stun an enemy on a nearby wall or protecting her squishier teammates from a diving assassin with her Steadfast Presence ability. Overall, she can be relatively flexible as a tank while also providing good pressure in lane while the early game rages on.
Although her pick rate is a bit lower, Poppy is also seeing a good amount of playtime globally in the support role while also boasting similar win rate percentages. As the patch continues, she could quickly become an easy lock for players facing off against heavy dive compositions over the next two weeks.
Published: Aug 31, 2024 8:05 PM UTC