Toxicity is a constant problem that plagues League of Legends across every level of play, from casual game modes to high-level solo queue. It’s even worse when professional players add fuel to the fire by needlessly flaming their teammates in their own games—much to the disappointment of some veteran stars.
In a recent stream, for example, Team Liquid top laner Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau sounded off on toxic pro players by calling them “ungrateful” and “immature” people who don’t understand how privileged they are to play in competitive League for a career.
Bwipo brought up the fact that if average players weren’t interested in the game past their own solo queue experiences, those same toxic pro players would not have a job since the fans are what drive the scene forward. Without those same fans, the League scene would be nearly as massive as it is today, and wouldn’t be nearly as successful.
“You don’t have respect for the people who are playing in your game, and you don’t have respect for the fact that you get to play this game for money,” He said. “It’s a fucking privilege to have people that are worse than you in this game that are still really interested in high level play. So, when you go out of your way to argue with average people that play this game for fun and berate them for being bad at this video game when you’re a pro player, I think you’re a child.”
There have been many instances of pro players being toxic in solo queue, from moments of over-the-top trash talk to griefing. One recent example comes from Cloud9 mid laner EMENES, who was seen typing inflammatory remarks to a teammate, such as “disgusting EU streamer” and that they should “go your country plz.” He has since apologized for his actions, but was also fined by Riot Games and forced to undergo an educational training course on professionalism.
Some of these players are entitled to defend themselves when they are attacked, but excessive toxicity is a horrible look from someone is a reflection of not only themselves, but their teammates, organization, and esports scene as a whole.
Published: Oct 11, 2023 7:28 PM UTC