Effigy was one of the more intriguing cards in Hearthstone‘s latest expansion, but was not exactly a game winner all by itself. However, sometimes it can enable some one turn kill combinations that shouldn’t even be possible.
A Mage secret card, Effigy replaces the next minion that dies with a random minion of equal cost. The card is then of course more effective when triggered on a high cost minion. Magic: The Gathering hall of famer Brian Kibler is a fan of the card, using it in his Dragon Mage deck—a fitting deck choice for the man known as ‘The Dragonmaster’.
With Effigy and Duplicate both played, Kibler’s Malygos is killed. And then the unthinkable happens.
The original Malygos is duplicated and reincarnated into one of the new cohort of legendary cards, Aviana. The Druid legendary, which reduces the cost of all minions to one, enables a combo kill that should never be possible.
Kibler plays both Malygos—whatever the plural of that is—and the other legendary that was in his hand, Rhonin. He kills the Rhonin with 22 damage Arcane Blast to trigger the deathrattle and receive three copies of Arcane Missiles.
Arcane Missiles normally fires three one damage missiles at random enemies. But with two Malygos active, each instead activates 13 times. With six damage also coming from a Flamewaker and the Aviana able to attack, that gives Kibler a possible 50 damage in total.
This kind of one turn kill is usually reserved for the Warrior. But Kibler proves that with a bit of improbable RNG, anything is possible.
Image via Blizzard
Published: Sep 30, 2015 03:56 pm