Cloud9’s Hearthstone team has just breachedinto the Asian scene, picking up Sanghyeon “DDaHyoNi” Baek. With the introduction of thestandard format, the global Hearthstone landscape has the potentialto drastically shift in the near future and Cloud9 is expanding itsroster accordingly.
DDaHyoNi has recently been announced as the newestedition to Cloud9’s already formidable Hearthstone team. Hisfirst place, breakout performance at the HCT major for theAsia-Pacific region qualified this Korean player for the WorldFinals at BlizzCon towards the end of this year. This guaranteedrepresentation and stability at the highest level of competitionclearly caught the eye of Cloud9 as the ever expanding Asian sceneis looking to challenge the world’s best for a shot at thechampionship.
This addition is alsorepresentative of the competitive Hearthstone scene expanding on aglobal scale, seeing as there is a limited number of Asian playerswho have received sponsorships from large gaming organizations.This makes DDaHyoNi one ofthe first to continue bridging the gap between competitiveHearthstone and Asia’s thriving scene.
DDaHyoNi has an ever-growinghost of accomplishments on his resume, sporting excellentplacements at almost every tournament he has attended. With thecombination of a consistent powerhouse and more of an opportunityto travel to international tournaments, competitive Hearthstone isquickly going to see an increase in the number of skilled playersavailable at the highest level of play. Particularly in the case ofDDaHyoNi, the community is going to have an inside look at justwhat the top level in Asia has to offer.
What do you think aboutCloud9’s acquisition of DDaHyoNi? Let us know by commentingbelow or tweeting us @GAMURScom.
Published: May 10, 2016 6:30 PM UTC