The Native Negotiations quest in Gray Zone Warfare is about finding a car repair shop in your town. After you reach the car repair shop, you need to drop off an item somewhere at the shop.
The Native Negotiations quest comes from Lab Rat, and she will hand you a briefcase. You need to make sure you don’t die while holding the briefcase, which means sticking it in your SafeLock inventory slot in GZW. Unlike the previous missions, the briefcase needs to be picked up.
Where to find the Car Repair Shop in Native Negotiations in Gray Zone Warfare

Before you leave Base Camp while you have Native Negotiations, make sure to pick up the Briefcase at the command tent. You should be able to find this right before you reach the helicopter pad. You need a two-by-two inventory space, and I recommend placing it inside your SafeLock slot. This ensures you’ll keep it even if you are killed.
Now that you have the briefcase, the next step is to track down the car repair shop. Like several other buildings in GZW, key locations are properly labeled with distinct names on your map. Unfortunately for players, the car repair shop is not one of these locations. Luckily, it does have distinct signs indicating that you’ve discovered it.

You want to look for a large covered area with multiple cars underneath it. One of the cars should be on a ramp, without any wheels, and it should look like it’s being repaired. These are beyond the doors protecting this location, but those doors don’t require any keys from the NPCs wandering around GZW, which means you should be able to walk in with no problem. It’s like the Medical Detective quest, but with a Rat’s Nest-like twist.
Car Repair Shop location for Lamang Recovery Initiative

For members of the Lamang Recovery Initiative faction, the Car Repair Shop is located east of the center of Pha Lang, at map coordinates (203, 163).
The final thing you need to do is find truck. This vehicle should be in the back of the car repair garage, next to the car on the ramp receiving repairs. You need to go to the front of the truck and interact with the bumper, placing the briefcase here. So long as you have the briefcase in your inventory, it should stick right into that spot.

You can now return to Base Camp and report the mission’s success to Lab Rat. You’ll gain a good amount reputation with Lab Rat and some well-deserved supplies you can use in GZW for your troubles.
Car Repair Shop location for Crimson Shield International

For members of the Crimson Shield International faction, the Car Repair Shop is located on the northern side of Kiu Vongsa, at map coordinates (141, 164).
Car Repair Shop location for Mithras Security Systems

For members of the Mithras Security Systems faction, the Car Repair Shop is located on the southern side of Nam Thaven at map coordinates (170, 117).
Published: May 1, 2024 11:36 am