Wordle is a simple and fun way to exercise your brain and vocabulary skills. Every day, new five-letter words are chosen to be guessed, and the game encourages its players to share their results on social media.
A single word to be found once a day may be too little for some players, and that’s why other versions of Wordle have been created that allow players to guess as many times as they want.
The most famous are Dordle, Quordle, and Octordle. They all use the same standard rules as the original Wordle, but the twist is that players have to guess more than one word at a time. To achieve this feat, the game grants more attempts than the original six. They all have a daily challenge, but also a free mode where players can exercise with random words.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘LU’
As the only difference is the number of words, Wordle’s tips and tricks work for playing these other versions as well. If you’re feeling stuck after discovering just the presence of the letters “U” and “F” in the correct answer without knowing their exact positions, here are some five-letter words with “U” and “F,” sorted alphabetically so you’ll have less work to do with filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
Five-letter words with ‘U’ and ‘F’ to try on Wordle
- afoul
- awful
- bluff
- boeuf
- buffi
- buffo
- buffs
- buffy
- bumfs
- burfi
- chufa
- chuff
- cruft
- cuffs
- cuifs
- curfs
- duffs
- dufus
- fanum
- faugh
- fauld
- fault
- fauna
- fauns
- fauve
- favus
- femur
- fetus
- feuar
- feuds
- feued
- fichu
- ficus
- filum
- fique
- flour
- flout
- flubs
- flued
- flues
- fluff
- fluid
- fluke
- fluky
- flume
- flump
- flung
- flunk
- fluor
- flush
- flute
- fluty
- fluyt
- focus
- fondu
- forum
- fouls
- found
- fount
- fours
- fraud
- frugs
- fruit
- frump
- fubsy
- fucus
- fuddy
- fudge
- fudgy
- fuels
- fugal
- fuggy
- fugio
- fugle
- fugue
- fujis
- fulls
- fully
- fumed
- fumer
- fumes
- fumet
- fundi
- funds
- fungi
- fungo
- funks
- funky
- funny
- furan
- furls
- furor
- furry
- furze
- furzy
- fused
- fusee
- fusel
- fuses
- fusil
- fussy
- fusty
- futon
- fuzed
- fuzee
- fuzes
- fuzil
- fuzzy
- gruff
- guffs
- gulfs
- gulfy
- huffs
- huffy
- kufis
- kulfi
- luffa
- luffs
- muffs
- mufti
- nuffs
- pouff
- poufs
- puffs
- puffy
- quaff
- quiff
- ruffe
- ruffs
- samfu
- scuff
- scurf
- sluff
- snafu
- snuff
- stuff
- sulfa
- sulfo
- surfs
- surfy
- tofus
- tufas
- tuffs
- tufts
- tufty
- turfs
- turfy
- unfed
- unfit
- unfix
- unify
- woful
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle, and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters, and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
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Published: Jul 29, 2022 07:54 pm