The Capcom Cup is a premier Street Fighter competition that hosts multiple tournaments around the world, with professionals attending as many as possible to gain points in order to qualify for the world finals.
This year, Capcom is looking to do things a bit differently. In previous years, winning events gained you a massive amount of points. However, Capcom is looking to change that, highlighting the importance of placements, meaning that placing well consistently will be more important than taking the top spot just once.
The new format is set to award players increased points for placing well in tournaments with more players; the fewer players involved, the less amount of points you can gain towards your score. The above diagram uses EVO as such an example.
The new structure also gives points to those outside of the top-16. For those unaware, last year’s points were only rewarded to those who were in the top-16 in a tournament, regardless of the amount of players who attended. Now, this is not the case.
Winners will no longer be given a direct invite to the Capcom Cup Finals, choosing to focus more on the leaderboard where the top-30 players will qualify along with defending champion, Du “NuckleDu” Dang, and the winner of a last-chance qualifier the day before the finale.
The 2017 tour will also feature a $600,000-plus prize pool, an increase from the $500,000 offered in each of the last two years.
For more information on the event, be sure to check out the official announcement here.
Published: Feb 28, 2017 01:53 pm