Every live-service game evolves over time, but Dota 2 has rocketed into unknown territory as Valve pushed multiple new mechanics live for every hero.
Hero Facets are one such addition, which gives players a chance to customize how every hero in the game plays. Introduced as part of the May 22 update and Patch 7.36, Hero Facets is a Dota 2 mechanic you select before you go into a match. They act as unique abilities for each hero that Valve touts as a “customization choice that provides the ability to better align the playstyle of a hero with a specific match or player preference.”
Just like with all Innate Abilities, every Hero Facet can completely change how heroes interact in Dota. Here’s everything you need to know.
What are Hero Facets in Dota 2?

Hero Facets are one of two new Dota 2 mechanics introduced in Patch 7.36 on May 22. They are hero-specific abilities tailored to drastically change how a hero plays, depending on which Facet you choose.
Every hero in Dota 2 has access to at least two Facets, which can do anything from altering how certain abilities work, letting heroes change how select interactions function, or even providing additional bonuses to common actions.
At its core, this is Valve’s way of giving players more control and customization options that will also provide new utility to each hero in different circumstances.
How do Hero Facets work in Dota 2? All Facet types explained

Here is a breakdown of the Hero Facet mechanic, its limitations, and how the options are selected.
- Facets are unique to each hero in Dota 2, and every hero has at least two options to choose from.
- Players select which Facet they want to use during a game during Strategy Time at the beginning of a match. Once chosen, they can’t be changed for the game and are revealed to the enemy team once a match begins.
- Facets are viewable via the Hero Page, located below the hero names and tags.
- You can view Facets in-game by hovering over the icon located between hero talent and abilities, on the scoreboard, or on the top view bar when holding “Alt.”
- Facets are not limited to two effects like Innate Abilities and can completely change how moves, boosts, or other hero-specific mechanics function.
All Hero Facets in Dota 2
Here’s a list of each Hero Facet in Dota 2, sorted alphabetically by hero.
With Dota 2 Patch 7.37, Valve reworked and rebalanced a host of Hero Facets. The dev also added 10 more Facets into the fray, namely for Bristleback, Death Prophet, Doom, Earth Spirit, Huskar, Lone Druid, Lycan, Medusa, Visage, and Void Spirit. On the other hand, two Hero Facets—Medusa’s Mana Pact and Void Spirit’s Symmetry—are no longer present in the game.
Hero Name | Facets |
Abaddon | The Quickening Mephitic Shroud |
Alchemist | Seed Money Mixologist |
Ancient Apparition | Bone Chill Exposure |
Anti-Mage | Magebane’s Mirror Mana Thirst |
Arc Warden | Order Disorder |
Axe | One Man Army Call Out |
Bane | Dream Stalker Sleepwalk |
Batrider | Stoked Arsonist |
Beastmaster | Wild Hunt Beast Mode |
Bloodseeker | Arterial Spray Bloodrush |
Bounty Hunter | Through and Through Cutpurse |
Brewmaster | Roll Out The Barrel Drunken Master |
Bristleback | Berserk Snot Rocket Seeing Red |
Broodmother | Necrotic Webs Feeding Frenzy |
Centaur Warrunner | Counter-Strike Horsepower |
Chaos Knight | Phantasmagoria Irrationality |
Chen | Centaur Convert Hellbear Convert Satyr Convert Wolf Convert Troll Convert |
Clinkz | Suppressive Fire Engulfing Step |
Clockwerk | Hookup Expanded Armature |
Crystal Maiden | Frozen Expanse Cold Comfort |
Dark Seer | Quick Wit Heart of Battle |
Dark Willow | Throwing Shade Thorny Thicket |
Dawnbreaker | Solar Charged Gleaming Hammer |
Dazzle | Nothl Boon Poison Bloom |
Death Prophet | Suppress Spirit Collector Mourning Ritual |
Disruptor | Thunderstorm Kinetic Fence |
Doom | Gluttony Devil’s Bargain Impending Doom |
Dragon Knight | Fire Dragon Frost Dragon Corrosive Dragon |
Drow Ranger | Vantage Point Sidestep |
Earth Spirit | Resonance Stepping Stone Ready to Roll |
Earthshaker | Tectonic Buildup Slugger |
Elder Titan | Deconstruction Momentum |
Ember Spirt | Double Impact Chain Gang |
Enchantress | Overprotective Wisps Spellbound |
Enigma | Event Horizon Splitting Image |
Faceless Void | Chronosphere Time Zone |
Grimstroke | Inkstigate Fine Art |
Gyrocopter | Secondary Strikes Afterburner |
Hoodwink | Go Nuts Treebounce Trickshot |
Huskar | Bloodbath Nothl Transfusion Incendiary |
Invoker | Agnostic Elitist |
Io | Kritzkrieg Overcharge |
Jakiro | Liquid Fire Liquid Ice |
Juggernaut | Bladestorm Bladeform |
Keeper of the Light | Solar Bind Recall |
Kunkka | High Tide Grog Blossom |
Legion Commander | Stonehall Plate Spoils of War |
Leshrac | Chronoptic Nourishment Misanthropy |
Lich | Frostbound Growing Cold |
Lifestealer | Rage Unfettered |
Lina | Thermal Runaway Slow Burn |
Lion | Essence Eater Fist of Death |
Lone Druid | Bear With Me Unbearable Bear Necessities |
Luna | Lunar Orbit Moonstorm |
Lycan | Pack Leader Spirit Wolves Alpha Wolves |
Magnus | Run Through Reverse Reverse Polarity |
Marci | Sidekick Bodyguard |
Mars | Victory Feast Blood Sport |
Medusa | Engorged Venomous Volley |
Meepo | More Meepo Pack Rat |
Mirana | Moonlight Shadow Solar Flare |
Monkey King | Wukong’s Faithful Simian Stride |
Morphling | Ebb Flow |
Muerta | Dance of the Dead Ofrenda |
Naga Siren | Rip Tide Deluge |
Nature’s Prophet | Soothing Saplings Ironwood Treant |
Necrophos | Profane Potency Rapid Decay |
Night Stalker | Blinding Void Night Reign |
Nyx Assassin | Mana Burn Scuttle |
Ogre Magi | Fat Chance Learning Curve |
Omniknight | Omnipresent Healing Hammer |
Oracle | Clairvoyant Curse Clairvoyant Cure |
Outworld Destroyer | Obsidian Decimator Overwhelming Devourer |
Pangolier | Double Jump Thunderbolt |
Phantom Assassin | Veiled One Methodical |
Phantom Lancer | Convergence Divergence |
Phoenix | Dying Light Hotspot |
Primal Beast | Romp n’ Stomp Ferocity |
Puck | Jostling Rift Curveball |
Pudge | Fresh Meat Flayer’s Hook |
Pugna | Siphoning Ward Rewards of Ruin |
Queen of Pain | Succubus Masochist |
Razor | Thunderhead Dynamo |
Riki | Contract Killer Exterminator |
Rubick | Frugal Flinch Arcane Accumulation |
Sand King | Sandshroud Dust Devil |
Shadow Demon | Promulgate Shadow Servant |
Shadow Fiend | Lasting Presence Shadowmire |
Shadow Shaman | Cluster Cluck Massive Serpent Ward |
Silenver | Irrepressible Reverberating Silence |
Skywrath Mage | Shield of the Scion Staff of the Scion |
Slardar | Leg Day Brineguard |
Slark | Leeching Leash Dark Reef Renegade |
Snapfire | Ricochet II Full Bore |
Sniper | Keen Scope Scattershot |
Spectre | Forsaken Twist The Knife |
Spirit Breaker | Bull Rush Imbalanced |
Storm Spirit | Shock Collar Statis Slide |
Sven | Heavy Plate Wrath of God |
Techies | Squee’s Scope Spleen’s Secret Sauce Spoon’s Stash |
Templar Assassin | Voidblades Refractor |
Terrorblade | Condemned Soul Fragment |
Tidehunter | Kraken Swell Krill Eater |
Timbersaw | Shredder Twisted Chakram |
Tinker | Repair Bots Translocator |
Tiny | Crash Landing Insurmountable |
Treant Protector | Primeval Power Sapling |
Troll Warlord | Insensitive Bad Influence |
Tusk | Tag Team Drinking Buddies |
Underlord | Demon’s Reach Abyssal Horde |
Undying | Rotting Mitts Ripped |
Ursa | Grudge Bearer Bear Down |
Vengeful Spirit | Avenging Missile Soul Strike |
Venomancer | Patient Zero Plague Carrier |
Viper | Poison Burst Caustic Bath |
Visage | Sepulchre Faithful Followers Death Toll |
Void Spirit | Intrinsic Edge Call of the Void |
Warlock | Champion of Gorroth Black Grimoire |
Weaver | Skitterstep Hivemind |
Windranger | Tailwind Whirlwind |
Winter Wyvern | Essence of the Blueheart Dragon Sight |
Witch Doctor | Headhunter Voodoo Festeration Cleft Death |
Wraith King | Bone Guard Spectral Blade |
Zeus | Livewire Divine Rampage |
Published: Aug 1, 2024 02:00 am