Destiny 2 Lightfall has only been available to play for one day and there are differing opinions about multiple facets of the game’s new campaign, location, and story.
But one of the newest features, a new scythe-wielding enemy called Tormentors, has a bulk of Destiny 2 players in agreement. Many of them took a break from the new expansion to express their opinions about them in a recent Reddit thread, and there’s a common prevailing thought.
“My cheeks clench with the might of Hercules whenever they show up,” one of the top commenters in the thread said.
Tormentors have a pretty apt callsign because the giant soldiers of The Witness do exactly that whenever they appear in the game’s campaign. They are relentless and also have the ability to grab the player for a powerful one-hit-kill attack on the Legendary campaign variant.
“They are fucking terrifying,” one commenter said. “After destroying both of their arm weak spots they just go full sicko mode and sprint towards your melee range, all while suppressing you every five seconds.”
Veteran Destiny 2 players immediately noticed a similarity between the Tormentors and Rhulk, the raid boss from The Witch Queen’s Vow of the Disciple raid. Both Rhulk and the new enemy type have weak points on their arms that, once damaged enough, will disappear and completely change up the enemy’s demeanor.
Except there’s one big difference this time around: whereas damaging Rhulk’s weak points sent him into a DPS phase, damaging Tormentors turns them from skulking behemoths into horrifying slasher film murders that chase you down with reckless abandon.
“Yeah, I expected it be like Rhulk, so I broke the crits and got ready for damage and instead it just goes fuckin apeshit on me,” one unsuspecting Guardian said in the thread.
While they are scary, Tormentors still seem to be a hit with most players for the challenge that they bring.
“The amount of times I’ve ran away from one screaming ‘please let me live I’m sorry please don’t grab me just let me live’ has been way more than I thought it would be,” another commenter said. “I love them.”
Published: Mar 1, 2023 11:26 am