Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty came not only with its own set of complex characters, factions, and moral dilemmas—it also has its own set of cryptic Tarot Cards for Misty to decipher.
There are only four Tarot Cards added through Dogtown for V to find—but we believe even this number signifies something. Or rather, there are four cards for a very good reason. Read on to learn where to find each of the four Tarot Cards added in Phantom Liberty’s Tomorrow Never Knows side job, and more importantly, what they might mean.
How to find all of the Tarot Card graffiti in Phantom Liberty
Conveniently, each Tarot Card is actually marked with an icon on your map, but they can still prove a little tricky to pinpoint even when you know which street to find them on.
Once you’ve found a Tarot Card, the icon where you found it disappears from your map. You can still see the card and its description at any time by going to Menu > Archives > Tarot.
When following this guide to locate all four Tarot Cards in Phantom Liberty, you can use the fact that discovered graffiti no longer has an icon. If you open your map and see that an Icon is still present at one of the places indicated in the following guide, it means you haven’t yet discovered that graffiti.
Dogtown graffiti location one: King of Pentacles
We’ve listed this one first because it is found as soon as you exit the safehouse where you spent the night with the president of the start of Phantom Liberty. When we say “as soon as,” we mean it. It is in the hallway right outside of the room of the safehouse, not outside of the building itself.
If you’ve already left the safehouse and continued through Phantom Liberty, you’ll need to return to the safehouse by taking the elevator up. The King of Pentacles Tarot graffiti can be found on the wall directly across from the door.

Dogtown graffiti location two: King of Wands
This Tarot Card can be found at the basketball court where players first meet Reed in Phantom Liberty. From the stands where Reed sits behind V, walk down to the court and take a left.
The King of Wands Tarot graffiti is on the side of a cement staircase.

Dogtown graffiti location three: King of Swords
The King of Swords is located a few blocks south of the safehouse underneath a Ripperdoc. Be careful with tracking this one on the map—depending on which part of Dogtown you’re in when you start tracking it, the game might get confused and take you out of Dogtown. We recommend tracking the Ripperdoc store just above the Tarot Card graffiti instead.

Dogtown graffiti location four: King of Cups
The final Tarot Card graffiti location is just north of the stadium, but you’ll actually have to exit the Dogtown security checkpoint to reach it. Leave the checkpoint and make a right, then drive until you reach the Stadium Parking fast travel point after a few hundred meters.
The King of Cups Tarot graffiti is tagged on a section of the gate.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Dogtown graffiti reward
As is the case with all Tarot graffiti in Cyerpunk 2077, there isn’t a monetary reward for finding all of the graffiti in Dogtown. However, there is some awesome foreshadowing/Easter egg stuff that players can pick up on if they’re open to it.
The whole fun of finding graffiti in Cyberpunk is figuring out what it means. The devs put all of this in for a reason—it’s not like they’re just placed randomly. In Phantom Liberty, each of the four Tarot Cards represents and foreshadows the fate of major characters in the DLC’s story.
What do the Dogtown Tarot Cards mean in Phantom Liberty?
Here’s the super fun thing about this—it’s clear that each card represents a specific person, but it’s kind of up to the individual to decide who each card represents. Obviously, all of the major players from Phantom Liberty are going to be tributed by the Tarot Cards, but it seems that all of the cards are intentionally open-ended.
We have our interpretations, but another person might disagree, and neither of us is necessarily right or wrong. What is absolutely awesome, though, is that whoever you end up thinking each card is about is likely going to influence the way you feel about that NPC during Phantom Liberty.
The King of Pentacles Tarot Card meaning
According to Misty, the King of Pentacles represents a person who has built a rich, powerful realm through sheer determination. The description of the card in Archives also adds that a person like this is likely to turn the world upside down sooner or later.

Does that sound like anyone you know from the story in Phantom Liberty?
The King of Wands Tarot Card meaning
Misty says that this card represents a leader who sticks to their principles while pursuing their aims or even some grand vision. If you check out the description in Archives, you’ll also see The King of Wands represents a person who radiates inspiration, but will eventually cross any line and even break oaths if it means achieving their goals.

We can think of somebody from Phantom Liberty who fits that bill…
The King of Swords Tarot Card meaning
Misty tells V that this card represents a person who sees things clearly and is a strong voice of reason but is prone to being blinded by their own emotions. The Archives description will add that a person like this is convicted and logical to a near sociopathic degree.

The King of Cups Tarot Card meaning
Misty warns V about anybody whom this card could be signifying, saying that on the one hand, they signify understanding and balance—but on the other hand, manipulation and spiritual crisis. The Archives description adds that when things are going this person’s way, they are guided by compassion, but that when they’re at odds with fate, it would be foolish to trust them.

What character in Phantom Liberty seems to have a good heart but is willing to lie and manipulate everyone around them when necessary?
Published: Oct 13, 2023 7:53 AM UTC