Call of Duty’s 2023 energy drink promo is now live, and it’s good news for fans of a particular caffeinated beverage.
CoD is back in cahoots with Monster Energy, meaning those who pick up cans of the drink will be able to earn in-game loot in Modern Warfare 3 when it releases later this year. But specially marked cans can be bought starting now, if you can find them.

The Monster Energy CoD page details the partnership, which offers multiple rewards in-game. Players can register on the website and begin using their cans to earn codes for double XP, operator skins, blueprints, and more.
The first reward is for an Inner Beast weapon blueprint plus a double XP token, but that’s just the beginning. Rewards also include multiple operator skins, a weapon vinyl, and “future season content” in MW3.
CoD has partnered with Monster before, including during the Black Ops 4 year. It’s also partnered with Mountain Dew and Doritos for double XP in years past, but this year’s Monster partnership was actually leaked a few months ago.
Branding for MW3 was spoiled by Monster back in June, on some boxes of the energy drink months before they were due to hit the shelves. Oops. MW3 was later confirmed this summer, and its beta begins next month.
CoD: MW3 will be released later this year on Nov. 10, and the Monster cosmetics will become available on the same day.
Published: Sep 1, 2023 9:26 PM UTC