Gas for vehicles has become important in Call of Duty DMZ. One of the Black Mous Tier two missions in DMZ, Fuel Shortage, requires players to siphon gas, which has confused parts of the community.
Whether the word “siphon” is tripping you up or the actual process of siphoning gas is, it’s a relatively easy action to do in DMZ. You simply have to know what you’re doing and what buttons to press. I will explain how to siphon gas in more detail in the guide below.
How do you siphon gas in DMZ?

You will first need to find a Gas Can on the map in a match of DMZ. These are found all over the playable maps, but you will primarily find them at gas stations. More specifically, you can find the cans on the shelves inside the station. Once you have your Gas Can and it’s placed inside your backpack, you must locate a drivable vehicle. This can be a land vehicle, such as a car or ATV, or something like a jet ski.
Either way, after finding a vehicle, hop in and begin driving. Then, you need to go into your backpack, select the Gas Can, and press the required button that says “siphon gas.” For me on a PS4 controller, this was R3, so Xbox players will likely have to press RS. Keyboard players will have different keybinds depending on their preferences. You can locate what button to push by looking right underneath the Gas Can’s icon in your backpack.
Related: How to complete the Look Out mission in DMZ
The process of siphoning gas is quick, so once you push the button, you’re pretty much done. If you’re working on the Fuel Shortage mission for Black Mous, you will need to re-add that siphoned fuel into another vehicle. But I was able to simply add the fuel back to the same vehicle I just siphoned the gas from.
In any case, you now know how to siphon gas in DMZ.
Published: Jul 18, 2023 7:17 AM UTC