Apex Legends is no stranger to leaks. What is a little more odd is a developer taking the time to address those leaks.
The leak in question isn’t a particularly new one, but it gained more attention and traction on Twitter thanks to popular Apex insider ThordanSmash tweeting about the leak once again. The original leak comes from Ezra-RC, who posted in May that the Shadow Royale would be making a return, this time on Olympus.
Shadow Royale is the traditional LTM released during Apex’s annual Halloween event but has always taken place on Kings Canyon before. A night-time Olympus would be a very different look for the map, which is typically washed in bright morning light, reflected by the abundant blues and greens of the map’s surfaces.
The tweet and subsequent discussion on Twitter led to an actual response from a developer, Eduardo Agostini, the world director for Apex. Agostini said he couldn’t confirm or deny the leak but did leave a few pointed comments for those people that were disappointed with Shadow Royale potentially being recycled for use on Halloween once again.
“1st thing I saw today when opening the app was talk about Halloween, a certain LTM and a rumored location for it,” Agostin said. “Can’t confirm or deny any of these “leaks”, but if anyone was sad about last year’s Halloween efforts – you’re probably hard to please anyways. Just wait and see.”
People being “sad” about the Halloween efforts is a reference to several community members displeased with how little new content last year’s Halloween event brought to the game. Outside of the new skins, many players saw the return of Shadow Royale and the lack of any spooky, Halloween-themed lobby or music packs as a lack of effort on Respawn’s part.
It remains to be seen what the new Halloween event will look like, but Agostini’s comments are intriguing simply for addressing the leaks, something that Respawn employees have typically avoided in the past. If it turns out to be accurate, as Ezra-RC’s leaks have been in the past, a potential Shadow Royale LTM on Olympus would be an interesting departure from the mode on Kings Canyon.
Season 14 of Apex arrives on Aug. 9.
Published: Jul 27, 2022 8:35 PM UTC