Apex Legends players have been complaining about the rising level of toxicity, and they figured out a couple of reasons why it’s the case.
“The attitude the last year has gone completely unhinged,” one player wrote in an Aug. 31 Reddit thread. “It’s a team game, but I can’t solo Q with incoming voice on.”
In the comments, players shared similar experiences throughout several different servers. They said they had to often mute the lobby, which meant less effective coordination in the game.
The question of whether toxicity has risen or fallen in Apex Legends is an unending debate. It’s based on everyone’s experience and changes depending on the level and server of each player.
Apex players, however, seem to agree the situation has been getting worse over the last few seasons. A player mentioned an interesting hypothesis for this: “The game is driving the casual players away. So you have a higher percentage of people like this now,” they wrote.
Related: Apex Legends players find out just how broken Revenant’s overshield really is
While season 17 might have brought some casual players back thanks to ranked point attribution, season 18’s changes made it harsher for passive players. The first effect is pushing players for a more aggressive playstyle, which might drive them to be more toxic. “I’ve noticed with this season it feels like everyone is very thirsty for a kill,” one player wrote.
Since the game hasn’t received significant changes with the latest season, it might have also driven casual players away again. Renewing the player base is a hurdle every online game faces when it’s starting to age, and Apex is no exception.
While casual players might play the game for fun, even in a competitive setting, tryhards and longtime players take the game more seriously —which leads to more toxicity.
Overall, it’s difficult to determine whether the game’s community truly became more toxic or not. The reporting system has evolved over the years to curb the issue, but it won’t fully go away.
Fortunately, you still have the ability to win games even if you can’t communicate with your toxic teammates. Revenant Reborn is a good example of this because his snowball power has surged due to his rework. He’s now become the best solo fragger in the game, and he can do the job alone when played in the right hands.
Published: Aug 31, 2023 8:59 AM UTC