Apex Legends players consider Ash the most underrated character in the game, and want Respawn to give her some love in an upcoming update.
Many players agreed on the matter in a Reddit thread from Oct. 24 about the player base’s hottest takes on the game. “Ash is very much a versatile legend,” wrote one of the top-voted comments. “Ash is good, I just think all her abilities need a slight buff,” agreed a player.
In the thread, that’s the point players agreed on massively. Over the last months, she’s stagnated as one of the least-played characters in the game. She’s been only picked in 2.5 percent of ranked games in all tiers, according to Apex Legends status.
But with some love from the developer, the character could gain much popularity, according to them. “They just need to fix Ash’s ult, it’s so unreliable and hard to place when under pressure. Maybe give it a little boost as well, just like her tactical,” wrote another player.
Otherwise, the fans agreed in a few other hot takes, although most of them sparked heated debates. The most prevalent one was about which optic to use on close-ranged weapons: “Shotguns are better with holo than red dot,” wrote the thread’s top-voted comment.
Apex players agreed shotguns were better without any optic in most situations, and only with the 1X optic in midrange fights. The thread’s author also believed 1X was best used on the R301 and Flatline, rather than going all the way up to 4X zooming optics.
In the comments, fans also defended a few other legends, such as Fuse, or unpopular maps such as Broken Moon and World’s Edge. But those opinions were more controversial. One of them included debate on where to land in general: either big cities or remote areas.
Many of those opinions are influenced by the player’s tastes, but Ash hasn’t received balance changes for a while and has fallen from grace. Now that the unpopular Rampart has received significant buffs, it could Ash’s turn next, two years after her release in November 2021.
Published: Oct 25, 2023 4:58 PM UTC