Rkn dropped from Sentinels, Koyful’s fate unknown, Teq loses another member of Meat Lover. What is going on in the Apex Legends pro scene? While rostermania runs wild, Dark Zero makes their move.
Xynew parted ways with Dark Zero Oct. 1 and since then, no one knew who would replace him. The optimal roster comp for Apex pro league appears to be one mouse and keyboard and two controller players. This meant that the Apex community had their eyes peeled for possible controller players who could move to Dark Zero. Two names were picked: Koyful and zaptoh.
The first rumored pick for Dark Zero’s new third going into year four of the ALGS is Koyful. Although he is currently on a team with Sentinels, his placement could easily change with the newest information that IGL Rkn has been dropped. This came as a surprise to a lot of people, including 100T NiceWigg, XSET Nocturnal, and Meat Lover Luxford (who commented on his personal lack of team to develop with).
Rkn being dropped could either hint at sweetdreams and Nafen’s signing with Sentinels, or Koyful getting picked up by Dark Zero. Former NRG roster sweetdreams and Nafen are looking for a new org to call home and Sentinels may have opened an IGL spot for sweet. It has also been suggested by TSM ImperialHal and iitZTimmy that Koyful would get dropped by Sentinels over IGL, Rkn.
The more likely possibility is sweet, Nafen, and Koyful becoming the new Sentinel’s roster. Because of Rkn getting dropped over Koyful and zaptoh getting poached, this leaves two move options; one for a controller player on Dark Zero and an IGL on Sentinels. As of Oct. 24, ex-NRG and Sentinels are listed on Battlefy’s pro league team list. But Rkn’s announcement could easily change things. This is definitely something to keep an eye out for.
Next up is zaptoh, the likelier pick for Dark Zero’s third roster slot. Teq announced on Twitter that yet another player has been poached from his team, Meat Lovers. This is a recurring battle for Teq and Luxford who can’t seem to stick it out with their third—with Fuhhnq, Xynew, Koyful, and now zaptoh. These moves are likely due to the higher pay and opportunities being offered by tier one teams.
Based on Teq’s tweet, zaptoh has officially been poached, leaving Teq and Luxford as a duo once again. But is zaptoh the newest member of Dark Zero or will it be Koyful? More announcements are bound to hit Twitter soon. Who knows where these pros will end up when split one playoffs for Y4 begin.
Published: Oct 25, 2023 12:42 PM UTC