The second half of the ALGS 2024 season has now begun, with the top Apex Legends teams from each of the four major leagues competing for a chance to represent their region on the international LAN stage at the ALGS Split Two Playoffs and earn circuit points for the ALGS Championship at the end of the year.
Each major region (North America, EMEA, APAC North, and APAC South) features the top 30 teams seeded into three groups based on past ALGS and Split Two Qualifier performances. All leagues play in a triple round-robin format, where each group plays a match series against every other group three times, amounting to 36 matches for each squad.
Once the regular season finishes, the top 20 teams from each region move on to the Regional Finals, where the teams with the highest number of points qualify for the ALGS Championship. The rest will have to play through the Last Chance Qualifier.
Are you curious to know how your favorite squad is performing? Here’s how every team is performing so far in Year Four.
Current ALGS Year 4 Pro League standings
Here are the standings for all four ALGS major regions. Teams in bold have qualified for the Split Two Playoffs, with the amount of teams from each region varying from past LAN performances.

North America
North America’s top 12 teams proceed to the Split Two Playoffs.
Position | Team | Points |
First | Team Falcons | 149 |
Second | TSM | 114 |
Third | FURIA | 111 |
Fourth | LG | 108 |
Fifth | SSG | 104 |
Sixth | BLEED Esports | 97 |
Seventh | Liquid Alienware | 95 |
Eighth | NRG | 82 |
Ninth | Not Moist | 82 |
Tenth | Complexity | 80 |
11th | Pioneers | 77 |
12th | Cloud9 | 74 |
13th | Oblivion | 63 |
14th | Bored | 63 |
15th | Elev8 Gaming | 60 |
16th | YUP | 55 |
17th | FLUFFY AIMERS | 52 |
18th | WEAVE | 51 |
19th | Tempr | 47 |
20th | FLAT | 47 |
21st | NGNL Esports | 45 |
22nd | Oxygen Esports | 44 |
23rd | CCE | 42 |
24th | Disguised | 42 |
25th | Native Gaming | 42 |
26th | Vanity | 38 |
27th | MPIRE Gaming | 37 |
28th | Most Hated | 35 |
29th | STALLIONS | 34 |
30th | Eternal EC | 30 |
EMEA’s top eight teams proceed to the Split Two Playoffs.
Position | Team | Points |
First | Alliance | 130 |
Second | FaZe Clan | 117 |
Third | GaiminGladiators | 107 |
Fourth | Natus Vincere | 100 |
Fifth | GoNext Esports | 94 |
Sixth | PassionUA | 93 |
Seventh | Trojan | 92 |
Eighth | Exo Clan | 89 |
Ninth | DMS | 83 |
Tenth | FA KIDS | 82 |
11th | DANISH | 79 |
12th | AURORA | 74 |
13th | NIP | 73 |
14th | Stay Healthy | 69 |
15th | Atlas | 67 |
16th | Blacklist Intl | 66 |
17th | cyvbercats | 65 |
18th | Players | 61 |
19th | Ethernal | 56 |
20th | aNc Outplayed | 53 |
21st | VexX | 50 |
22nd | 9Lies Esports | 40 |
23rd | The Full English | 39 |
24th | 3DMAX | 38 |
25th | Rats | 34 |
26th | 73esports | 29 |
27th | Forbidden | 27 |
28th | Apex Warlords | 25 |
29th | Nessy | 23 |
30th | Passion | 45 |
APAC North
APAC-N’s top nine teams proceed to the Split Two Playoffs.
Position | Team | Points |
First | FNATIC | 142 |
Second | NewJ | 107 |
Third | NOEZ FOXX | 106 |
Fourth | FENNEL | 99 |
Fifth | GHS Professional | 98 |
Sixth | HAO | 94 |
Seventh | ENTER FORCE.36 | 93 |
Eighth | NORTHEPTION | 91 |
Ninth | STRIDERZ | 87 |
Tenth | CRAZY RACCOON | 81 |
11th | TIE | 81 |
12th | RIDDLE ORDER | 77 |
13th | DOSUKOI Impact | 76 |
14th | REIGNITE | 71 |
15th | VortexWolf | 68 |
16th | KINOTROPE gaming | 66 |
17th | SBI e-Sports | 58 |
18th | XFACTORZ | 57 |
19th | FUNNY LOCO | 53 |
20th | STYLE | 52 |
21st | RED Rams | 46 |
22nd | papiko | 41 |
23rd | REJECT WINNITY | 38 |
24th | REVE RISE MAX | 36 |
25th | chasotenka | 34 |
26th | Love and Peace | 34 |
27th | AREA310 | 33 |
28th | Meteor | 32 |
29th | SETOUCHI SPARKS | 27 |
30th | Lucky 7 | 25 |
APAC South
APAC-S’ top seven teams proceed to the Split Two Playoffs.
Position | Team | Points |
First | Legends Gaming | 129 |
Second | MKERS | 126 |
Third | VK GAMING | 117 |
Fourth | XNY | 104 |
Fifth | SWQ | 104 |
Sixth | GUILD | 97 |
Seventh | DreamFire | 93 |
Eighth | BearClaw Gaming | 92 |
Ninth | Vegas Inferno | 91 |
Tenth | MeiDuiYao | 88 |
11th | Kill Devil | 78 |
12th | Weibo gaming | 75 |
13th | LGD GAMING | 72 |
14th | HEROEZ | 67 |
15th | Grape Soda | 63 |
16th | EVOS PREDATOR | 60 |
17th | Remarkable Team | 59 |
18th | WMFireBird | 58 |
19th | Geekay Esports | 53 |
20th | Final Dream | 52 |
21st | KeepGoing | 46 |
22nd | HKUF | 45 |
23rd | NoCredit | 40 |
24th | OutSide | 36 |
25th | | 35 |
26th | TRUE | 31 |
27th | barbecue | 29 |
28th | Akuma | 27 |
29th | MXF | 22 |
30th | Fruit Salad | 11 |
All ALGS Pro League teams and groups in each region, Year Four
North America

Group A: Team Falcons, Spacestation Gaming, Elev8 Gaming, Oxygen Esports, NRG, Yup, Most Hated, CCE, WEAVE, Tripods
Group B: Not Moist, Luminosity, TSM, Complexity, SKD MARK, Eternal EC, Ape Gang, The Edgers, NGGL Esports, Bored
Group C: Cloud9, Disguised, Liquid Alienware, FURIA, Vanity, Native Gaming, Oblivion, Flat, Stallion, Tempr

Group A: Aurora, Natus Vincere, Nextup, Cybercats, GoNext Esports, Ethernal, Nessy, Trojan, Apex Warlords, Atlas
Group B: Gaimin Gladiator, Blacklist Int., PassionUA, Passion, The Full English, Infinite, Vexx, Danish, Forbidden, Players
Group C: Alliance, o7, FA Kids, EXO Clan, 9Lies Esports, ANC Outplayed, Stay Healthy, DMS, Rolling Teams, Kneecap
APAC North

Group B: Fnatic, RED Rams, HAO, chasotenka, AREA310, Meteor, SBI e-Sports, TIE, Lucky 7, STYLE
Group C: GHS Professional, Crazy Raccoon, MM1427, FENNEL, DOSUKOI Impact, Love and Peace, SETOUCHI SPARKS, papiko, FUNNY LOCO, VortexWolf
APAC South

Group A: Legends Gaming, MKers, Boogie Boarders, Bearclaw Gaming, Outside, MeiDuiYaoBYD, WMFireBird, Numnim, Kill Devil, HKUF
Group B: Serenity, Weibo Gaming, LGD Gaming, DreamFire, Keep Going, VK Gaming, NoCredit, MXF, Fruit Salad, Final Dream
Group C: Virtus Pro, HEROEZ, Akuma, XNY, SWQ, LightningUnicorn, Barbecue, True, Remarkable Team, Grape Fanta
Published: Jul 15, 2024 3:08 AM UTC