Nightmare mode was introduced to Alan Wake in the first title back in 2010, but is it coming to Alan Wake 2?
Those who are looking forward to getting their hands on Alan Wake 2 might be asking themselves this very question, so let’s take a look at whether this notoriously challenging difficulty setting is on its way to the sequel.
Will Alan Wake 2 have Nightmare mode?
While Nightmare mode won’t be available in Alan Wake 2 immediately upon release, it will be added further down the line in a post-launch game update. The update will include a few new features, including Nightmare mode, which is part of the New Game Plus package that Remedy calls the Final Draft.
What is Nightmare mode in Alan Wake 2?
I’m assuming Alan Wake 2’s Nightmare difficulty will be similar to its predecessor, in that it will become available once you’ve completed the game on Normal or Hard difficulty. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly made Nightmare mode so challenging in the first Alan Wake game to get a sense of what to expect when it launches for Alan Wake 2.
How hard was Nightmare mode in the first Alan Wake?
As mentioned above, Nightmare difficulty was only playable in Alan Wake after you’d finished the game already. Several aspects of Nightmare mode made it particularly challenging, especially when it came to how much damage it took to kill enemies.
Burning the darkness from the Taken
The shadowy enemies in the first game (also known as the Taken) needed to be exposed to your flashlight for at least 10 seconds before their darkness would burn away. It was tough to get the timing right, and you also needed to ensure your flashlight didn’t run out of battery while fighting the shadows.
Killing the Taken
When it came to actually killing the Taken, it would take an average of four to eight shots with your revolver (after burning away the darkness) before they would go down. Because of this, making every shot count was an absolute necessity while playing Nightmare mode in the first Alan Wake game.
If Alan Wake 2’s Nightmare difficulty is anything like it was in the first game, it’s safe to assume that you’ll have to think strategically and conserve as many resources as you can if you want to have a chance at surviving.
When will Nightmare mode release for Alan Wake 2?
The post-launch Nightmare mode and the rest of the features included in the Final Draft will launch about a month after the initial release of the sequel, and the update will be free for all players to enjoy.
In the meantime, start progressing through Alan Wake 2 to prepare yourself for the challenges coming with Nightmare mode when the Final Draft update rolls out.
Published: Oct 27, 2023 11:50 AM UTC