Super Smash Bros. commentator and streamer Cinnamon “Cinnpie” Dunson released a statement today in response to allegations of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior raised against her 10 months ago.
In today’s statement, Dunson claims she never raped anyone or forced anyone to be in a sexual or romantic relationship with her.
“I have never consented to, or asked anyone to wait until I’m black out drunk, vomiting, and unconscious to put their body parts anywhere inside of, or on me, in any way, with any of the people that ever have throughout my life, including in 2016,” Dunson said.
In July 2020, Troy “Puppeh” Wells, one of the top Smash Ultimate players in the world, claimed that Dunson, who he frequently carpooled to events with, “initiated sexual conversations” with him via Snapchat in 2016 when he was 14 years old.
Wells claimed an intoxicated Dunson tackled him to the ground and started “[making] out” with him before heading back to play more Smash at a post-tournament event later that summer. He said he and Dunson often slept together in the same bed. Their relationship “escalated as far as oral sex, but never as far as sexual intercourse,” according to Wells.
After Wells made his statement last July, members of the FGC revisited old Xanadu VODs and found several moments that show Dunson physically interacting with Wells, including instances of Dunson wrapping her arms around him.
In her statement, Dunson says she was an “irresponsible, inappropriate, and immature 23 year old in 2016” but will not disclose any more specific details or names for “legality purposes” on advisory from her lawyer.
Dunson also cited her own encounters with sexual abuse and said she’s going to work towards “preventing others from experiencing any of what she has,” specifically in regards to the FGC.
“I realize there’s people out there like me who’ve been sexually abused as children and young adults, who’re living with events that have caused them to develop mental disorders such as suicidal ideation,” Dunson said. “Don’t give up. Don’t try to mask your trauma with alcohol or drugs either; you’ll wind up in dangerous situations, no one will protect you, and bad things will happen to you.”
Dunson’s statement contained an additional letter from her retained law firm Morris, Crawford & Currin, P.C. that says many of the comments made about her are “unwarranted and defamatory attacks against her character and reputation.”
As such, the firm has issued a publicly addressed cease and desist on comments that “attack her moral character and accuse her of illicit criminal behavior.”
After the initial allegations, Dunson was banned from all 2GGaming events alongside several other players and personalities who were accused of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior, including Richard “Keitaro” King and D’Ron “D1” Maingrette.
Published: May 1, 2021 06:25 pm