There are four types of gear you can get your hands on in World of Warcraft Dragonflight—PvP, Mythic+, crafted, and tier gear. Although each piece of gear is invaluable because of the stats and item levels it gives you, tier gear is by far the most important you can acquire in Dragonflight.
Tier gear is Epic-quality that, aside from stats, gives your class and specialization additional bonuses and effects. First introduced with the release of WoW in 2004, tier sets were removed in Battle for Azeroth but returned for the final raid of Shadowlands. After the community welcomed tier sets back with open arms, acquiring tier gear became more streamlined in Dragonflight.
Whether you’re an avid raider, PvPer, or just an average open-world enjoyer, tier gear and bonuses can always be a handy tool to have. Here’s how to get tier gear in Dragonflight.
How to get tier gear in World of Warcraft Dragonflight
All season-relevant gear can be transformed into a tier set piece at the Revival Catalyst, but there are three other common methods of getting it. First, gear from Mythic+ dungeons, raids, and the open world can all be transformed at the Revival Catalyst to turn it into a set piece. For that, you’ll need Catalyst charges or Renascent Dream. You earn them automatically every two weeks.

If you’re lucky enough, you can get tier pieces from the Great Vault, right after the weekly reset. But, to see tier gear in the Great Vault, you have to clear Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope on any difficulty. After the weekly reset, you’ll have three chances at tier gear if you cleared the entire raid.
Your safest bet at getting tier gear will be clearing the Amirdrassil raid on any difficulty. Each boss has a chance of dropping a piece of tier gear and other players can even trade you tier pieces if they like.
Tier sets from Amirdrassil in WoW Dragonflight
Tier gear drops from the following bosses in Amirdrassil:
- Igira the Cruel: Hands
- Larodar, Keeper of the Flame: Legs
- Nymue: Chest
- Tindral Sageswift: Head
- Smolderon: Shoulders
- Fyrakk: Any
Tier set pieces give bonuses when you have two and four pieces, respectively. Avoid breaking your tier sets by all costs.
Although there are four levels of tier gear (one for each raid difficulty), you don’t need tier pieces from the same difficulty to unlock the bonuses they provide. Mixing and matching tier gear from separate difficulties (LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic) is a common practice. Besides that, players only get full tier sets from the desired difficulty further in the season.
It’s important to note that bosses in Amirdrassil drop tier tokens and that those are shared between a couple of classes. Below, you’ll find the full list of tier tokens and classes for which they drop:
- Dreadful tokens drop for Death Knights, Warlock, and Demon Hunters
- Mystic tokens drop for between Hunters, Druids, and Mages
- Venerated tokens drop for Paladins, Priest, and Shamans
- Zenith tokens drop for Warriors, Rogues, Monks, and Evokers

Once you finally get lucky enough to get a tier gear, find Kirasztia in the Wellspring Outlook in the Emerald Dream at the 36.6 33.4 coordinates. Then, buy the piece of tier your need.
Additional sources of tier gear in WoW Dragonflight
Once you complete the Dragonflight Season 3 Master achievement, you can get one tier set piece by speaking to Theozhaklos again in the Wellspring Outlook in the Emerald Dream. To get this achievement, you need to complete at least one of the following feats:
- Heroic: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Icon Heroic: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope (clear the entire raid on Heroic difficulty)
- Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Three Icon Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Three (Reach 2,000 Mythic+ rating)
- Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 3 Icon Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 3 (get the Challenger rank)
Published: Nov 23, 2023 10:34 am