If you want to unlock new characters in The First Descendant, you’ll eventually need to seek out the help of Anias.
Located in Albion, Anais takes items you have found to create new Descendants for you to use, like Bunny, and is the only way to unlock free Descdants and items for them without having to use Caliber, the in-game currency.
So, where is she exactly?
Magisters Anais location in The First Descendant

Anais is located in the far western portion of Albion in The First Descendant. You can distinguish her by an icon with a circle in the center with three other circles pointing out in a triangle shape.
As you approach the area, you’ll come across the Anais NPC, which you can talk to give over any items you have collected to create new Descendants. For example, you’ll be tasked with finding her as you complete the Bunny optional quest.
If you want a new Descendant, you’ll first need to find all the material for them. Thankfully, going to Anais tells you exactly what material you need for all the research material parts and where you can acquire them, which should make the grind a little more bearable.
All the Bunny materials are collected as you complete the first acts of the main story, but other parts for characters such as Gley, Freyna, and the rest of the cast might need a bit more of a grind. After collecting all the materials you need and handing them in, it’ll take some real-world time for the characters to be created.
Published: Jul 2, 2024 08:27 am