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All TFT Set 11 Exalted champion rolling odds: Full table

Know your TFT Exalted champion combinations.

Riot Games created the first Teamfight Tactics rotating champion trait in Set 11 called Exalted, showcasing 60 possible combinations that can appear during an Inkborn Fables game. 

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The possibilities of what TFT devs will cook up for a new set are highlighted through the Inkborn Fables Set 11 trait, Exalted. For the first time, there is a trait with rotating champions. The Exalted trait features nearly all of the Inkborn Fables champions through a possible 60 combinations. 

What are the TFT Set 11 Exalted champion rolling odds?

Annie casting a fireball in TFT Set 11
High roll into an Exalted combination. Image via Riot Games

You can luck into a possible 60 Exalted champion combinations during a game in TFT Set 11. Each combination variant isn’t random, much like Augment rolling odds during a game. Some Exated variations contain six champions while others only have five.

From combinations with all two-costs to having two five-cost champions in one combination. All TFT Set 11 Exalted possibilities are thanks to game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer and his Patch 14.6 Rundown.

CombinationExalted champions
OneSylas, Diana. Aphelios, Jax, Lux, and Cho’Gath
TwoYorick, Senna, Bard, Lissandra, Nautilus, and Yasuo
ThreeGaren, Lux, Aphelios, Ornn, and Irelia
FourJanna, Tristana, Shen, Syndra, Nautilus, and Yone
FiveAzir, Kayn, Tahm Kench, Yorick, Yasuo, and Kai’Sa
SixDarius, Soraka, Bard, Galio, and Lissandra
SevenFortune Yordle, Volibear, Soraka, Bard, and Lissandra
EightFortune Yordle, Darius, Zyra, Soraka, Lillia, and Syndra
NineJax, Yorick, Qiyana, Tahm Kench, and Azir
10Jax, Teemo, Thresh, Diana, Kai’Sa, and Annie
11Rek’Sai, Lux, Thresh, Diana, Alune, and Ashe
12Rek’Sai, Sivir, Volibear, Amumu, Morgana, and Hwei
13Shen, Janna, Yone, Galio, and Kai’Sa
14Shen, Gnar, Diana, Bard, and Irelia
15Garen, Alune, Tristana, Morgana, and Kai’Sa
16Kha’Zix, Yasuo, Bard, Amumu, Diana, and Ornn
17Senna, Zyra, Thresh, Annie, and Sylas
18Senna, Soraka, Tahm Kench, Ornn, and Kayn
19Senna, Tristana, Yone, Gailio, Morgana, and Lillia
20Teemo, Lux, Thresh, Volibear, Morgana, and Galio
21Jax, Yorick, Teemo, Syndra, and Lee Sin
22Yasuo, Malphiite, Teemo, Ashe, and Azir
23Caitlyn, Cho-Gath, Alune, Lee Sin, and Galio
24Fortune Yordle, Qiyana, Thresh, Alune, Amumu, and Kai’Sa
25Garen, Jann, Yorick, Tristana, and Morgana
26Cho’Gath, Gnar, Zyra, Soraka, and Annie
27Garen, Darius, Aphelios, Tahm Kench, and Kayn
28Yasuo, Rek’Sai, Soraka, Yone, and Hwei
29Rek’Sai, Qiyana, Teemo, Aphelios, Alune, and Nautilus
30Sivir, Janna, Shen, Tristana, and Sylas
31Kha’Zhix, Gnar, Janna, Tahm Kench, and Kai’Sa
32Ahri, Gnar, Qiyana, Bard, and Ashe
33Malphite, Senna, Amumu, Lee Sin, Sylas, and Kayn
34Rek’Sai, Yorick, Senna, Amumu, and Syndra
35Caitlyn, Yorick, Teemo, Volibear, and Syndra
36Sivir, Lux, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, and Morgana
37Alune, Soraka, Aphelios, Bard, Tristana, and Diana
38Cho’Gath, Ahri, Soraka, Amumu. and Lee Sin
39Ahri, Caitlyn, Darius, Fortune Yordle, Malphite, and Garen
40Sivir, Shen, Janna, Volibear, and Nautilus
41Darius, Zyra, Bard, Ornn, and Lissandra
42Gnar, Janna, Lux, Qiyana, Zyra, and Senna
43Sivir, Shen, Yone, Ashe, and Hwei
44Kha’Zix, Garen, Tristana, Lilia, Kayn, and Galio
45Caitlyn, Thresh, Diana, Kai’Sa, and Irelia
46Malphite, Rek’Sai, Aphelios, Nautilus, and Lissandra
47Kha’Zix, Gnar, Lux, Aphelios, and Annie
48Ahri, Qiyana, Zyra, Yone, Ornn, and Hwei
49Rek’Sai, Shen, Lux, Aphelios, and Annie
50Kha’Zix, Shen, Aphelios, Sylas, Nautilus, and Azir
51Gnar, Janna, Zyra, Bard, and Sylas
52Cho’Gath, Zyra, Yone, Annie, and Ashe
53Shen, Qiyana, Aphelios, Lilia, Galio
54Ahri, Rek’Sai, Soraka, Alune, Hwei, and Irelia
55Yasuo, Sivir, Malphite, Janna, and Lux
56Darius, Kha’Zix, Shen, Teemo, Nautilus, and Azir
57Garen, Yorick, Volibear, Diana, and Lissandra
58Jax, Thresh, Tahm Kench, Tristana, and Kayn
59Fortune Yordle, Senna, Amumu, Lee Sin, and X
60Caitlyn, Yorick, Tristana, Syndra, and Nautilus

Combinations of TFT Set 11 Exalted champions are subject to change throughout Inkborn Fables. Any changes through a patch will get updated the same day.

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Danny Forster
Lead Magic: The Gathering/Teamfight Tactics scribe and staff writer for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida and has been a journalist for seven years, of which five have been at Dot Esports. Prior media outllets Danny wrote for were Screen Rant and TheGamer. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.