Niantic has officially confirmed that Mega Ampaharos is coming to Pokémon Go starting today. And to celebrate the occassion, there will be a special Incense Day featuring Mareep later this month.
Players will be able to activate an Incense from 11am to 5pm local time on Jan. 24 that will attract Electric and Dragon-type Pokémon.
Mareep, and its shiny variant, will be spawning more frequently. And if you evolve the Electric-type sheep into an Ampharos before the Johto Celebration event ends on Jan. 31, it’ll know the previously Community Day-exclusive attack Dragon Pulse.
Depending on when you use your Incense, you’ll see different Pokémon appear in your area.
- From 11am to 1pm local time: Electric-type Pokémon
- From 1pm to 2pm local time: Dragon-type Pokémon and Pokémon that evolve into Dragon-type Pokémon
- From 2pm to 4pm local time: Electric-type Pokémon
- From 4pm to 5pm local time: Dragon-type Pokémon and Pokémon that evolve into Dragon-type Pokémon
Pikachu, Magnemite, Voltorb, Chinchou, Mareep, Plusle, and Minun are going to be appearing during the listed Electric-type times, with a chance to encounter Stunfisk too. Horsea, Dratini, Mareep, Trapinch, Vibrava, and Swablu will be among those showing up in the times listed for Dragon-types, with Bagon being a rare encounter.
An event-exclusive one PokéCoin bundle featuring three Incense will also be available to pick up in the shop ahead of the event. A free Remote Raid box containing three Remote Raid Passes is available now too.
Published: Jan 19, 2021 05:18 pm