Shroodle is making its way into Pokémon Go, and you’ll have a chance to add it to your collection. However, tracking it down won’t be easy, and knowing where to find it could prove difficult if you expect it to spawn during certain activities.
You can find Shroodle during the Fashion Week 2025 Taken Over portion of the event, where Team Rocket invades. You’ll have a higher chance of encountering Team Rocket grunts throughout the second portion of the event, and there’s a Special Research available where you can get a Super Rocket Radar to challenge Giovanni. As expected, Team Rocket members are vital to tracking down Shroodle. Here’s what you need to know about how to catch Shroodle and where you can find it while playing Pokémon Go.
How to get Shroodle in Pokémon Go

You can only catch Shroodle in Pokémon Go if you hatch it from a 12km egg. You can only obtain these distinctly unique eggs by defeating Team Rocket leaders Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra. These encounters only appear if you have a Rocket Radar, which you get when you defeat at least six Team Rocket grunts, collect the Mysterious Components, and turn it into a Rocket Radar. You can then track down a Rocket Leader from the Team Rocket balloons or at a PokéStop.
The 12km eggs work exactly like a standard egg. You need to get one, place it inside an incubator, and walk around with it while playing Pokémon Go, and it’ll hatch after you’ve hit the required distance. The egg has a chance to spawn a handful of Pokémon, and Shroodle is one of them. You’ll need to get 12km eggs starting after the Fashion Week 2025 Taken Over event, which begins on Jan. 15. Thankfully, even after the event wraps up, Shroodle should continue to appear in these eggs, but you won’t get the benefit of additional Team Rocket spawns or increased balloons.
After you have Shroodle in your collection, the next step is to earn at least 50 Shroodle Candy to evolve it into Grafaiai. The best way to gain this amount of Candy is to make Shroodle your buddy and walk around with it, or get multiple 12km eggs, hoping to hatch multiple Shroodles out of them. Every time you hatch an egg in Pokémon Go, the Pokémon that appears inside the egg comes with a large amount of Candy, making it easier to evolve. You might be able to hatch a Shroodle, and it could appear in its Shiny version, which is always a nice opportunity for Pokémon collectors.
Although Grafaiai is not a powerful Pokémon, it might be an interesting choice that you can use in the themed Cups or Great League portion of the Battle League. There’s also the chance of Grafaiai getting a more interesting moveset in the future, as Niantic enjoys returning to older Pokémon to give them additional attacks. Their stats, however, remain the same, which means Grafaiai will stay in the Great League as a combatant.
As a Poison and Normal-type Pokémon, Grafaiai is an interesting choice in Pokémon Go. It is weak against Ground and Psychic-type attacks but resistant to Bug, Fairy, Grass, Ghost, and Poison-type attacks. It’s one of the few Poison-type Pokémon that can use Mud-Slap as a Fast Move, with several other Poison-type attacks for its charged moves. It’s a decent moveset, but it all comes down to how you use it on your team and how you can outfox your opponent.
Published: Jan 14, 2025 05:31 am