The search for a complete Pokédex in Pokémon GO never ends. While completing the regular Pokédex will be the main goal of most players, there will be perfectionists who will want to continue their journey by catching all the special variants.
From Shadow to rare Shiny Pokémon, there will always be something new to catch in Pokémon GO. Whenever there’s a new spotlight hour, players often wonder whether they can secure a Shiny Pokémon in the process, and it’s Trapinch turn under the spotlight.
Can you catch a Shiny Trapinch in Pokémon GO?
Yes, Trapinch can be Shiny in Pokémon GO, and players can catch Trapinch’s Shiny version during its community day.
During its respective community day, players will be overwhelmed by Trapinch spawns. By increasing the number of Trapinch spawns, Niantic technically betters the odds for players who are looking to catch a Shiny.
When is the spotlight hour for Trapinch in Pokémon GO?
The next spotlight hour for Trapinch in Pokémon GO is on April 18, 2023. The previous one for the Pokémon was held in 2019, so players looking to catch a Shiny Trapinch won’t want to miss the event.
During the Trapinch spotlight hour, players also be rewarded with double the XP for evolves.
What is the color of Shiny Trapinch?
The Shiny Trapinch has a teal color. Compared to the orange color of its standard version, Shiny Trapinch can easily be told apart, making it easier to catch in clusters of spawns.
What are the odds of catching a Shiny Trapinch in Pokémon GO?
Like most Shiny variants, players can expect to catch a Shiny Trapinch with odds of one in 500. This means that, if a player encounters 500 Trapinchs, one of them is extremely likely to be a Shiny.
How to catch a Shiny Trapinch in Pokémon GO
The best way to catch a Shiny Trapinch in Pokémon GO will be by participating in its respective spotlight hour. Make sure to play Pokémon GO during a Trapinch spotlight hour and catch as many of them as possible.
If there aren’t any scheduled spotlight hours, you’ll just need to ensure that you catch a Trapinch whenever you see one.
Published: Apr 18, 2023 12:43 PM UTC