League of Legends: Wild Rift’s patch 2.3a is here.
It will bring several new skins, accessories, an event, balance changes, and more. Some changes are also being made to the outer tower gold and the jungle in this patch.
Related: Wild Rift player hits Silver I while playing on a helicopter
Here are the complete notes and updates for Wild Rift’s patch 2.3a.
These will be released on June 16 at 7:01pm CT.
- Pool Party Fiora
- Pool Party Lee Sin
- Pool Party Leona
- Pool Party Lulu
- Pool Party Orianna
- Pool Party Renekton
This will be released on June 23 at 7:01pm CT.
- Galaxy Slayer Zed
Three new emotes and an icon are coming to Wild Rift. These will be released throughout the patch.
- Emotes: I’m On Duty, Mullet Over, Too Cool For Pool
- Icons: Sun’s Out Guns Out
Pool Party
- A summer-themed event is coming to Wild Rift on June 16 at 7:01pm CT.
Champion Changes
Ahri was a little overpowered in the game. Thus, her base armor is being decreased to make her more vulnerable.
Base Stats
- Base Armor: 35 → 30
Evelynn has been stealing objectives with her ultimate. Riot has said that the ult should only be used on champions, not monsters.
(Ult) Last Caress
- 250 percent execute damage now only applies to champions
Jenne’s Zephyr has been a main focus for players. Maxing this has been giving players an edge in battle. Hence, its base damage is being nerfed.
(2) Zephyr
- Base Damage: 65/125/185/245 → 55/105/155/205
Riot has said that the champion’s win rate is really high. Thus, her passive is being nerfed. A change has also been made to Katarina’s ult.
(P) Voracity
- AP Ratio: 0.58 – 1.0 based on level → 0.48 – 0.9 based on level
(Ult) Death Lotus
- Now sets Katarina’s base movement speed to 125 when spinning instead of being treated as a slow that could be reduced by slow resistance
Leona was a bit underpowered and is getting a buff on her Zenith Blade.
(3) Zenith Blade
- Range: 7.5 → 8
Wukong hasn’t been able to perform outside the jungle. Hence, his Crushing Blow has been adjusted to make it more viable to use on the lane.
(1) Crushing Blow
- Healing when hitting minions: 50 → 80 percent
Xin Zhao
The champion has been underperforming since his rework to match League on PC. Thus, Xin Zhao’s Seneschal of Demacia is being buffed. Riot has said that it is keeping a “close eye” on his progress.
Base Stats
- Magic Resist: 30 → 38
- Health Gained per Level-Up: 105 → 115
- Health at Level 15: 2120 → 2260
Gameplay Changes
Riot said that Bami’s Cinder and Sunfire Aegis is making tank junglers and tanky lane builds far too overpowered. Hence, their damage is being decreased againt non-champions.
Bami’s Cinder
- Minion and monster damage modification: 50 → 25 percent
Sunfire Aegis
- Minion and monster damage modification: 50 → 25 percent
Winter’s Approach
Winter’s Approach isn’t being used as much. Thus, the rate it stacks mana is being increased to have it come online a bit quicker.
Mana Charge
- Mana granted: 8 → 12
Summoner Spells
Ignite’s range is being increased to help longer-ranged champions use it better.
- Cast Range: 5.5 → 6
Riot is increasing mana regen to help level the playing field between resourceless junglers and mana-hungry junglers. The company has said that it will be keeping a close eye on this “significant change.”
- Passive: Restores 4 mana per second while in jungle or river
Outer Tower Gold
Riot wants players to benefit by winning in their lane instead of depending on global gold. Hence, the global gold is being decreased while the gold earned per plate is being increased.
- Gold per plate: 100g → 150g
- Global gold on destruction: 150g → 100g
Some camps were being ignored as the time it takes to do them didn’t outweigh the benefits of roaming. Riot is adjusting these camps to make it less of a trap to spend time clearing them.
- Health: 2500 → 2200
- Ancient Krug Health: 1600 → 1200
- Krug Health: 600 → 500
Bug Fixes
- A bug regarding champion points has been fixed. Now, when players reach their champion points limit for their rank, they will neither lose nor gain points after winning a game.
Free-to-play champion rotation
June 17 to 23: Alistar, Diana, Draven, Ezreal, Irelia, Orianna, Rammus, Riven, Soraka, Xin Zhao.
June 24 to 30: Braum, Corki, Darius, Evelynn, Katarina, Kha’Zix, Leona, Malphite, Seraphine, Xayah.
Published: Jun 15, 2021 10:26 pm