League of Legends players are excited for the release of the first support marksman Riot Games has developed: Senna. Not only are they excited to find out what she will be like, but they’re also eager to dig more into her story.
Senna came back to life after spending years imprisoned in Thresh’s lantern, all while Lucian was struggling to ensure the soul of his late wife was at peace. But together, they overcame death, and Senna is ready to show up on Summoner’s Rift.
When is Senna’s release date?
Senna is joining the champion pool for players that have access to the game’s Public Beta Environment on Oct. 29. But most of the players won’t be able to test her immediately and will have to wait for the 2020 preseason patch to kick off on public servers.
League’s 2020 preseason launches with Patch 9.23. It will be a big patch since there’s a large number of changes coming, especially to the Summoner’s Rift map. Patch 9.23 is scheduled to go live on Nov. 20.
The first skin to release with Senna will likely be her True Damage skin. She appeared in recent leaks as one of the five champions that are rumored to receive skins as members of League’s new music group.
Patch 9.23 will have more than just Senna in store
Besides Senna, Riot has prepared a preseason full of gameplay changes. From Summoner’s Rift changing layouts based on Elemental Dragons, item and rune changes, and the return of the Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) game mode, players will have their hands full of new things this November.
Published: Oct 20, 2019 8:24 PM UTC