Although we all use the same champions on Summoner’s Rift as we do on Howling Abyss in League of Legends, the best champions, items, and builds for each of these maps often differ, especially for All-Random-All-Mid, or ARAM. And, while there are quite a few champions that are performing exceedingly well, three reign supreme.
Those lucky three are Nasus, Lillia, and Sion—all of whom are enjoying a period of high dominance on the chaotic League frontier that is the Howling Abyss.
Nasus is performing quite well on the Rift and in ARAM, but his current ARAM win rate is the most exceptional at 54.81 percent, according to League stat tracking site U.GG. While it may be tempting to take AP Nasus so you can use Liandry’s Anguish, the best ARAM build for Nasus is AD, focusing on Resolve and Precision runes.
You’ll want to take the following runes:
- Grasp of the Undying
- Font of Life
- Conditioning
- Overgrowth
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Offense (Ability Haste)
- Flex (Adaptive Force)
- Defense (Armor)
Regarding skill priority, you’ll want to max out your Siphoning Strike (Q), Spirit Fire (E), Wither (W), and a few points into your ultimate. For items, the best ones that synergize well with this Nasus ARAM build include Divine Sunderer, Mercury’s Treads, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, and either Gargoyle Stoneplate or Force of Nature, depending on what your team needs and the enemy teams composition.
One issue in ARAM is it can be hard to get stacks, so be sure to let your team know you need the minions and stacks. This is especially true if you have a Veigar on your team, who will farm the minions for his stacks.
So, it’s not ideal. But as long as you’re the only one needing to farm, you should be fine and can be the AD tank your team needs in ARAM victories.
Lillia’s Summoner’s Rift and Howling Abyss Builds are pretty different, with her ARAM build netting her a win rate of 54.21 percent, per U.GG stats. Unlike her Rift build, Lillia takes rune trees Domination and Sorcery over Precision and Inspiration.
The runes you’ll want Lillia to take in ARAM include:
- Dark Harvest
- Cheap Shot
- Eyeball Collection
- Treasure Hunter
- Nimbus Cloak
- Celerity
- Offensive (Adaptive Force)
- Flex (Adaptive Force)
- Defense (Armor)
For skill priority, focus on Blooming Blows (Q), Swirlseed (E), and Watch Out! Eep! (W), with a few points in your ultimate. With this build, Lillia focuses on additional damage and damage over time.
So, you’ll take Liandry’s Anguish, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Demonic Embrace, Cosmic Drive, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.
As you aren’t going the tank route for Lillia, you must be mindful that she’s squishy. The best thing to do is to get in, damage your enemies, and then back off and rotate with your teammates. And because you have the additional burn damage over time, you’ll quickly whittle down your enemy’s health.
Compared to his below-average win rate in League games played on Summoner’s Rift, at least right now, Sion is performing exceptionally well if his 54.06 percent win rate (according to U.GG today) is anything to go by. Interestingly, the only difference in his runes is he takes Precision as his secondary runes rather than Inspiration.
In ARAM, you’ll want to take the following runes:
- Grasp of the Undying
- Demolish
- Conditioning
- Overgrowth
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Offense (Attack Speed)
- Flex (Adaptive Force)
- Defense (Armor)
Unlike the other two champions, the skill priority for Sion is Q, W, and E, specifically Decimating Smash (Q), Soul Furnace (W), and Roar of the Slayer (E). And a few points in his ultimate. As Sion is going for a tank build in ARAM, you’ll want to get the following items: Heartsteel, Mercury’s Tread, Sunfire Aegis, Force of Nature, Titanic Hydra, and then either Gargoyle Stoneplate or Warmog’s Armor, depending on your and your enemy team’s composition.
Thornmail is also a good option if the enemy team has healers like Soraka or Sona because there’s nothing more annoying than thinking you’ve killed an enemy only for them either of those champs to use a healing ability.
Because there’s only one lane in ARAM, it can be challenging for Sion to use his ultimate to ram the enemy’s backline. As soon as you see a chance and your team has abilities ready, let them know you’re going all in, and hopefully, they’ll follow.
Related: League players demand ARAM feature return to make matches more fun
Despite the differences between these champions and their performance in each mode, Nasus, Lillia, and Sion are the best picks to take in League ARAM lobbies.
Published: Jul 9, 2023 10:33 pm