As the name suggests, TCG Card Shop Simulator has many cards you need to manage in your store, but unfortunately, cards sometimes go missing.
There are a few ways to lose cards, and while there are ways to get them back, sometimes the game deletes cards without warning, and there is no way to find them. Ah, the joys of early access.
Where to find missing cards in TCG Card Shop Simulator

Depending on how you lost the card, there are multiple ways to find lost cards in TCG Card Shop Simulator.
A Ghost Rare card, for example, doesn’t go into your card folder as normal. Instead, you need to press R while looking at your card folder to get a bunch of different expansions and sorting options. If you want to see cards from the Destiny set or Ghost cards you pulled, you can only find the cards through these additional options. The folder is set only to show Tetramon set cards, so if you lost a high-valued card from one of these other sets, the only way to find that missing pulled card is through this method.
Sometimes, a missing or lost card is unfortunately down to a glitch. I can’t tell you how many cards I have lost that either didn’t appear in the binder or I accidentally sold a piece of furniture my card was inside, which then deleted the card. The game is still in early access, so these bugs and glitches are bound to happen. To stop these cards from vanishing, pick them up and put them back in your binder before selling anything.
There have also been times when a card was put up for sale, a customer grabbed it, and then walked out the door with it because it was the end of the day. Sometimes, some bugs occur where the customer is at the till, you scan the items, but you can’t input anything on the number pad so your forced to sell it for free as well.
In short, most of the missing cards are due to bugs or how the game operates in early access. There really isn’t much you can do to find the card again, and you’ll need to wait until further updates so more of your cards don’t go missing.
Published: Sep 24, 2024 11:30 AM UTC