Wordle is a game that tests its players’ vocabulary by making them discover random secret words every day. In a few days you will easily find the right answer as a word you normally use in everyday life. Other days, you’ll discover new words you’ve never heard before.
As the game can be challenging, its players have developed varied strategies to beat it using as few attempts as possible. There are tips and tricks that can help any player. For those who would like to delve a little deeper into the strategies used, one of the most famous and promising is to use words with mostly vowels at the beginning of attempts to greatly reduce the number of options in the next attempts.
Another way involving first guesses is to choose the best words to guess first in Wordle. Some players have even put bots to play the game and find out what are the best words to start with, according to statistics extracted from the games played by the bots.
If you are still struggling, you may need more specific help. Like when you used several of the initial attempts and only found that the secret word has the letters “IR.” For these cases, here are some five letter words that contain ‘IR’, sorted alphabetically.
Five-letter words with ‘IR’ to try on Wordle
- quirk
- faqir
- vizir
- mirza
- ziram
- chirk
- mirex
- mirky
- quire
- quirt
- zaire
- jirds
- kirks
- birch
- chirm
- chirp
- fakir
- kafir
- kefir
- shirk
- birks
- fairy
- firry
- firth
- hairy
- mirks
- smirk
- whirl
- whirr
- whirs
- yirth
- birth
- chair
- chiro
- chirr
- chiru
- choir
- dirks
- firms
- irked
- mirth
- spiry
- twirp
- circa
- circs
- dairy
- dirty
- fired
- girly
- girsh
- girth
- hired
- iroko
- keirs
- kirns
- mbira
- skirl
- skirr
- skirt
- stirk
- third
- virga
- virid
- weird
- wired
- yaird
- yirds
- afire
- airth
- birds
- caird
- diram
- eyrir
- fairs
- firer
- fires
- firns
- first
- flair
- flirs
- flirt
- hairs
- heirs
- hiree
- hirer
- hires
- irony
- lairy
- mired
- mirid
- pirog
- shire
- shirr
- shirt
- swirl
- their
- thirl
- twirl
- vairs
- viral
- vireo
- vires
- virls
- virtu
- virus
- wairs
- weirs
- wirer
- wires
- wirra
- yirrs
- amirs
- bairn
- birle
- birls
- birrs
- birse
- cairn
- cires
- cirri
- coirs
- dirge
- emirs
- girds
- mairs
- mires
- mirin
- moira
- moire
- pairs
- pirns
- sabir
- sirup
- speir
- spire
- spirt
- stirp
- tapir
- aired
- deair
- direr
- dirls
- dirts
- girls
- girns
- giron
- giros
- girts
- glair
- guiro
- irade
- irids
- iring
- laird
- nadir
- sired
- tired
- airer
- airns
- airts
- astir
- irate
- irone
- irons
- lairs
- liras
- lirot
- naira
- nairu
- noirs
- siree
- siren
- sires
- sirra
- stair
- stirs
- tires
- tirls
- tiros
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer, at least in most cases.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Jun 8, 2022 08:58 pm