My Hero Academia has been an immensely popular anime since it first aired in 2018, even going on to inspire multiple games. The latest title from Bandai Namco concerning the property is called My Hero Ultra Rumble, and features some of the most popular characters from the early seasons of the anime. That being said, not many people have been able to play the open beta due to a long maintenance period.
Fortunately, the developer has stated how long the current maintenance is expected to go on for the My Hero Ultra Rumble beta test.
How long is the My Hero Ultra Rumble maintenance?
If you log into the My Hero Ultra Rumble open beta on PlayStation, you’ll get the “Currently undergoing maintenance” error. The MHUR maintenance is expected to end around 9am CT tonight, or around the same time that the open beta officially started last night.
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This means that players in the US and most European regions will go much of the day without getting to play, and the soonest that some players will get to play the new My Hero Academia battle royale is this weekend, given that there are no more maintenance periods.
The good news is that this maintenance on the game seems to have been planned in advance, with a post on PlayStation notifications showing a period blocked off today for the Central European time zone. As for American players, you’ll either need to stay up late tonight or wait until tomorrow to play the battle royale.
Make sure to check back here for the most up-to-date information about the My Hero Ultra Rumble maintenance periods during the PlayStation open beta.
Published: May 26, 2023 03:52 pm