Every couple of months, Call of Duty drops a new season’s worth of content. In Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, this means new weapons, new operators, new skins, and a whole lot of stuff to unlock.
Each battle pass has free rewards and items that can only be earned by unlocking the full pass, for a price. But do you need to use real money to unlock the pass or can you use CoD Points to get rewards?
Here are the details on pricing for the battle pass in MW2’s season three.
How many CoD Points is the MW2 season 3 battle pass?

The price of the battle pass in season three of MW2 is the same as it has been in previous seasons. The basic battle pass can be purchased for 1,100 CoD Points. If you’ve been saving up, you should be able to afford the pass with the points you’ve earned.
There’s a different battle pass offering in season three than in previous seasons, though. The BlackCell Battle Pass can be purchased for $29.99, but you cannot use CoD Points to buy it.
Here’s everything that comes in the BlackCell Battle Pass Bundle, according to Activision:
- Access to the full Season Three Battle Pass and 20 Tier Skips (25 on PlayStation).
- 1,100 COD Points instantly awarded.
- 1,400 COD Points awarded throughout the Battle Pass.
- A BlackCell Operator, attired in an imposing animated Camo Skin.
- Additional, BlackCell-only Battle Pass content: Every Season Three Battle Pass Sector with an Operator Skin has a BlackCell variant (12 Skins in total) to unlock.
- A Pro-Tuned Weapon Blueprint, Vehicle Skin, and Finishing Move.
- An exclusive BlackCell Sector within the Battle Pass AO serving as an alternative starting location.
- Immediate unlocking of adjacent Battle Pass Sectors to the BlackCell Sector.
- Players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 CP back.
The default battle pass has several free items in it, including the FJX Imperium sniper rifle (sector C4) and the Cronen Squall batte rifle (sector C11) without having to pay real money or CoD Points.

There’s a new option for unlocking items in the season three pass, called Automatic Pathing, so players won’t have to make any decisions while ranking up and unlocking items in the pass.
“Those who don’t mind what they earn first and who simply want to rack up hours in-game can choose to automatically have the Battle Pass chart an effective path through the different AO Sectors,” Activision said. “Players can also choose to manually earn Battle Token Tier Skips and spend them as they did in prior seasons.”
Published: Apr 11, 2023 10:32 PM UTC