Apex Legends has many different characters, but some of them have always struggled to get to the forefront of the meta since their release. This is the case with Rampart, but players are insisting she isn’t a bad legend after all.
In a Reddit thread dated Sept. 14, a player argued Rampart didn’t deserve her horrendous pick rate. “I’ve just been feeling like a lot of people don’t understand how versatile she really is,” they explained. “Obviously she’s great for holding a position and shredding teams with Sheila, but every time I play with randoms they’re fascinated with how I play her.”
Since her release in 2020, Rampart has been in a tough spot in the meta. Before her ultimate was reworked, she wasn’t mobile at all, which made her a situational pick. But after her ultimate was changed, that’s been an entirely different story.
Rampart has many strengths. She’s one of the best defensive legends, alongside Wattson and Caustic when holding a point. But she also needs strong team synergy to be played to her full potential.
For this reason, Rampart has had one of the lowest pick rates in the game since her release, and even after her rework. In season 18, her pick rate dropped again to only 1.8 percent on average, according to Apex Legends status. It’s just 0.6 percent more than the least popular legend, Crypto.
Apex players on Reddit mostly agree she’s undervalued. “My brother is an insane Rampart player who has won us MANY MANY endgame circle battles due to actually giving us cover in an area we wouldn’t normally have a shred of cover in,” one player said. “Rampart can also lock down a building almost as well as Wattson and has a mobile minigun that SHREDS. Rampart is insane in the right hands.”
Although Rampant is powerful in certain situations, she isn’t easy to pick up. She has a steep learning curve, which can drive away many players. Competitive-wise, she’s also overshadowed by Caustic and Wattson, two controller legends who are more popular and can be played solo with more efficiency.
Maybe Rampart is less popular than her counterparts, but that doesn’t make her a “bad” or useless legend.
Published: Sep 15, 2023 7:53 AM UTC