Alongside the release of today’s Apex Legends Stories from the Outlands trailer, Respawn has revealed the website for the game’s upcoming season 14.
Titled Hunted, season 14 will feature new legend Vantage, a sniper with a bat-like friend who comes from the frigid planet of Págos. Vantage, according to the Stories from the Outlands trailer, lived with her mother in the wilderness, learning to survive among the planet’s many wild creatures before she accidentally reactivated a long-dead ship known as the G.D.S. Vantage. The adventure almost killed her, setting the stage for her to learn more about her mother’s true past and how to move forward from her wild home.
On the Hunted website, Respawn teased a “reforged Kings Canyon” with the tagline “Time changes everything, and Kings Canyon is no exception. What will rise from the ashes of the past?” Kings Canyon changes were previously teased in the new Clinic POI on Olympus, where magazine covers discussed a new relic on the storied map. It’s not clear yet exactly what changes will be made.
Alongside the customary new battle pass, the website also reveals a level cap increase, a long-awaited request from the community, particularly those who have been playing since the game’s release. Players will finally be able to gain levels beyond level 500, although it’s not clear how the rewards structure will work or how far players will be able to go past 500.
More information will likely be available when the season 14 launch trailer drops on July 28.
Published: Jul 25, 2022 3:34 PM UTC