The Rock Rock Tree Stash in Alan Wake 2 has a combination lock that needs solved before you can open it. To find out the code, you need to solve an environmental puzzle. Here’s how to do it.
Where to find the Rock Rock Tree Stash in Alan Wake 2
The Rock Rock Tree Stash is found in Cauldron Lake and can be accessed after Saga and Casey find Alan Wake on the beach. You can search for the Stash during the optional Goal to Investigate the Previously Flooded area. I advise doing it at this point because it’s the easier time to access the Stash without doubling back on yourself.
To find the Stash, follow the path up from the beach until you reach the sign for the Witchfinder’s Hut. From there, looking straight at the sign, turn right and follow the path, keeping tight to the right. The path should curve around to the right, taking you up a small hill where you will find the Rock Rock Tree Stash.
The Stash has a combination lock, and the note on top of it reads: “Rock Rock Tree Are You Bright Enough?”
How to open the Rock Rock Tree Stash
To solve the combination lock, you must shine your light on specific areas of the environment around you to reveal sums painted in a luminous yellow. The combination is the numerals you find with your light.
Look directly up from the Stash and shine your light on the rock behind it; you should see a 3+3 (which makes six).
Rock Rock Tree refers to the landmarks you need to shine your light on. “Are you bright enough” is a hint to use your flashlight.

Next, shine your light on the tree that’s left of the Stash (as you’re looking straight at it). There should be a 6+2 on the tree, which equals 8. You just need one more number, so turn 180 degrees from looking at the tree and make your way down to the area below.

Once in the area below, turn left and hug tight to the rocks on your right-hand side. You should then uncover the third sum: 7-2 (which equals 5). There is a Taken in this area, so make sure to take him out so you can open the Stash in peace.

Rock Rock Tree Stash combination
Make your way back up to the Stash. The Rock Rock Tree note tells you the order the numbers you have found should be in the combination: Rock (6), Rock (5), Tree (8). The combination is 658. It took me longer than I care to admit to figure this out.

Enter the combination, and the Stash opens. Inside, you will find a note saying: “Are you one of us or one of them?” Ominous. The Stash also contains a Flare, a Propane Tank, and a First Aid Kit.
Published: Oct 31, 2023 11:19 am