No matter how many World of Warcraft players say you should touch grass and slow down, the truth of the matter is everyone is waiting for phase two to drop. Phase one of Season of Discovery is almost over, and some are enjoying it on Hardcore mode.
The beginning of 2024 has given rise to a new trend—Season of Discovery Hardcore. The ultimate goal of this fresh challenge is to play the game without dying. But that’s not all. There are additional rules set in place, like no grouping unless you’re trying to get specific runes like Prayer of Mending, one run per raid and dungeon, you can only use items from professions and world drops (but not quest rewards), and no grouping in general unless you’re doing an instance run. To participate in this, you, of course, need to be playing Season of Discovery and have the Hardcore addon installed on your PC.

Streamers like Snutz, Mitch Jones, and Xaryu have already joined the challenge. WoW never used to have an official Hardcore mode, but it became a reality when fans created their own version early in 2023, and Blizzard revived it in August of that same year with the official release. It’s essentially the same old WoW from 2004, but with a catch—you can’t die. Since Season of Discovery released on Nov. 30, 2023, WoW Classic Hardcore lost its popularity as fans flocked to the newer version of the game that offers new abilities, PvP events, and raids.
Season of Discovery Hardcore is all fun and games, but players will likely quickly drop the mode once phase two releases. This is scheduled for winter 2024, and I’m expecting it to arrive around February. If you want to join the Season of Discovery Hardcore journey, you have more than enough time.
Published: Jan 4, 2024 07:18 am