Pokémon’s ambitious endeavor into the MOBA genre on mobile devices has an official release date for one of its platforms. Pokémon Unite will officially release on Nintendo Switch July 21, with a launch for mobile devices still planned for September.
Per today’s official announcement, any player that logs into Pokémon Unite from July 21 until Aug. 31 will receive the Pokémon Zeraora via Zeraora’s Unite license. Zeraora is an Electric-type Mythical Pokémon that can dash and deal lightning damage, with a Unite move (Unite‘s take on ultimates) that deals a massive electrical blast that can affect multiple opponents. The Pokemon team also said Zeraora will be available for mobile players to collect at a later time.
Pokémon Unite will see two teams of five Pokémon each square off against each other. Defeating other Pokémon will cause them to drop Aeos energy drops, which can be scored at an opponent’s goal. Players can level up their abilities as a match progresses and can even temporarily evolve during the match.
The game will come out for both Nintendo Switch and mobile, and there will be both crossplay and cross-progression available. Players will be able to switch from mobile to Switch without losing any of their progress.
Published: Jul 15, 2021 10:02 am