In Pokémon Go, players get to participate in the Go Battle League which has a few unique formats. You match up against other Trainers from all around the world, and every player can select three Pokémon for these battles. The Go Battle League consists of the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. These three formats are separated by a CP cap, which means you can only use Pokémon with a certain max CP. The Master League has no max CP cap, meaning you can use any Pokémon for these battles.
The Master League is unquestionably the toughest competitive mode in Pokémon Go, as Trainers use their strongest Pokémon to compete against each other. Unlike the other formats, you will come across various Legendary Pokémon while participating in the Master League. To make your Pokémon stronger, you can level them up by using Stardust. However, you also need that specific Pokémon candy to increase their CP. It’s ideal to catch several Legendary Pokémon from Raids and power them up before taking part in the Pokémon Go Master League. Naturally, players will want to know the best team compositions to use in this Go Battle format.
Here are the best teams and Pokémon to use in the Master League in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon Go Master League best teams and Pokémon
Players must keep in mind that the meta Pokémon for Master League shifts often. This means using the same team composition for every match is not a wise choice. Since there is no CP cap, expect opponents to bring their strongest Pokémon team combinations. A good Master League composition focuses on taking advantage of type weaknesses, so it’s ideal to build a team that resists most types. Without a CP cap, players will often come across the same Pokémon as opponents, which can make the Master League a bit repetitive. Make sure your team has a solid combination of charged and quick attacks to win more matches in the Master League. Here are some of the best teams to use in Pokémon Go Master League.
Zekrom, Lugia, Dialga
Leading the list of team composition for the Master League in Pokémon Go are Zekrom, Lugia, and Dialga. These three Legendary Pokémon are the best ones to use for several reasons. Zekrom is a Dragon/Electric type, weak against Fairy, Ice, Ground, and Dragon types. However, its resistance towards Flying, Steel, Fire, and Water types makes Zekrom the perfect lead Pokémon to start the battle. Similarly, Lugia is a Psychic/Flying type, resistant to Grass, Psychic, Fighting, and Ground types. Dialga is a Steel/Dragon type, vulnerable to only Fighting and Ground types while boasting resistance against several types.
- Zekrom: Dragon Breath (quick move), Wild Charge, Crunch
- Lugia: Dragon Tail (quick move), Aeroblast, Sky Attack
- Dialga: Dragon Breath (quick move), Draco Meteor, Iron Head
Palkia, Ho-Oh, Togekiss

Palkia, Togekiss, and Ho-Oh are another good team composition for the Master League. Palkia is a Water/Dragon type, resistant to Steel, Fire, and Water types. While Ho-Oh is a Fire/Flying type, strong against Ground, Steel, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Grass, and Fighting types. You’ll often find opponents using Dragon-type Pokémon against these two, and this is where Togekiss comes in. Togekiss is a Fairy Flying type, resistant to Bug, Dragon, Dark, Fighting, Ground, and Grass type Pokémon.
- Palkia: Dragon Breath (quick move), Draco Meteor, Aquatail
- Togekiss: Charm (quick move), Ancient Power, Flamethrower
- Ho-Oh: Incinerate (quick move), Brave Bird, Earthquake
Groudon, Giratina (Origin), Palkia
Groudon, Palkia, and Giratina (Origin) place in the third position for the best team compositions to use in Master League. Giratina is a Ghost/Dragon type, making it strong against Fighting, Normal, Poison, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric types. Similarly, Groudon is a Ground type, strong against Poison, Rock, and Electric, while being vulnerable to Water, Ice, and Grass types. Palkia is a Water/Dragon type, strong against Steel, Fire, and Water types, while being vulnerable to Dragon and Fairy types. We recommend starting the fight with Groudon, or switching to Giratina based on your opponent.
- Groudon: Mud Shot (quick move), Earthquake, Solar Beam
- Giratina (Origin): Shadow Claw (quick move), Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind
- Palkia: Snarl (quick move), Fowl Play, Last Resort
Mewtwo, Metagross, Dragonite

The last team on the list is Mewtwo, Metagross, and Dragonite. These three are relatively easier to catch than all the Legendary Pokémon mentioned above. Mewtwo is a Psychic type, weak against Bug, Ghost, and Dark types, and strong against Fighting and Psychic type Pokémon. Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type, strong against Psychic, Fairy, Poison, Dragon, Grass, Ice, Steel, Flying, Rock, and Normal type opponents. Similarly, Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying type, strong against Fire, Water, Bug, Fighting, Ground, and Bug type Pokémon.
- Mewtwo: Confusion (quick move), Psystrike, Hyper Beam
- Metagross: Bullet Punch (quick move), Meteor Mash, Flash Cannon
- Dragonite: Dragon Breath (quick move), Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor
Published: Nov 13, 2022 4:42 PM UTC