The ghosts you face in Phasmophobia are capable of performing all kinds of horrifying tricks, like shattering all the lights in the room, crawling toward you, and even singing you special songs.
Since every ghost type has a unique set of behaviors and identifiers you can use to catch them, you might be wondering what singing means in Phasmophobia and which ghost performs this behavior.
What does singing mean in Phasmophobia?
Singing doesn’t mean anything by itself but does count as a ghost event in Phasmophobia. When you hear singing, the “Have a member of your team witness a ghost event” objective will then be checked off if you have it since you have officially experienced one.
Which ghost sings in Phasmophobia?
Any kind of ghost can sing in Phasmophobia, but singing is more frequently heard when the ghost present in the contract is a Banshee. Singing does not mean the ghost is definitely a Banshee, but if you notice other Banshee indicators, then this behavior can be used to help identify the ghost type.
While Banshees do have a higher chance of singing, there is also a chance you may come across a Banshee and never hear it sing for the entirety of the contract. If a Banshee does perform a singing event for their chosen target, then the sanity drain it causes is 15 percent instead of the normal 10 percent.

The Banshee also has a very unique wail no other ghost can make that can only be heard on a Parabolic Microphone. Because of this, you may be able to use just singing and the Banshee’s signature wail to actually identify this ghost if you’re lucky. Banshees have a 33 percent chance of producing their wail when you use a Parabolic Microhpne, so if you hear singing and think it might be this ghost type, then be sure to test with a microphone next to see if you can hear it.
If you think you may be dealing with a Banshee, try to capture at least two of this ghost’s other pieces of evidence to be sure. A Banshee has Ultraviolet, Ghost Orbs, and DOTS Projector as its three evidence types.
Placing down a Video Camera or carrying one around makes finding two of the Banshee’s evidence extremely easy. Ultraviolet is much tougher, so try to find the other two first since this will help you quickly determine whether the ghost can even be a Banshee at all.
If you don’t spot any Ghost Orbs or see a ghost on the DOTS Projector, then it’s probably not a Banshee and is just another kind of ghost choosing to sing a song for you. You can also quickly rule out the Banshee by checking for freezing temps since this is usually a fairly quick reading to get.
Others Asked
What is the method for identifying ghosts in Phasmophobia?
To identify ghosts in Phasmophobia, players use various tools to uncover evidence fitting the ghost's characteristics. Specifically, each ghost can be identified using three types of evidence out of seven total options: DOTS Projector, EMF Five, Fingerprints (Ultraviolet), Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orb, Ghost Writing, and Spirit Box.
What is the main objective of the game Phasmophobia?
The main objective of Phasmophobia is to survive and correctly determine the ghost type while using various ghost-hunting equipment on different maps.
How is the correct ghost type identified in a Phasmophobia investigation?
The correct ghost type is identified by correctly finding all three pieces of evidence using various equipment like Ghost Writing book, cameras, and DOTS Projector and marking them in your journal. It's essential to strategically use equipment and watch for evidence throughout the investigation.
Published: Jan 2, 2024 03:49 pm