There are several resources you need to track down while playing Nightingale. These are how you’re going to build up your base and begin exploring the many realms waiting for you to unlock them, and Pigment is a critical ingredient.
You won’t be able to begin making Pigment until you progress further into Nightingale. It’s an easy resource to miss if you’re not careful, but it’s fundamental for you to complete the main story and eventually make it into the other realms. Here’s what you need to know about how to get an use Pigment in Nightingale.
Where to find Pigment in Nightingale

The type of Pigment you can make in Nightingale is called Refined Pigment, and you can make it at the Mortar Station. It’s a Simple Workbench you can unlock by speaking to the Essence Trader in your world and purchasing it from them using Essence Dust.
After placing down the Mortar Station, you can make Refined Pigment at your leisure using standard Pigment items. The Pigment items you can use vary based on the resources you can find in your Nightingale world. For example, for my desert biome, I was able to use Predator Meat, Bug Meat, Prey Meat, or Flowers, based on what I had the most of at the time. You have to use at least two of the same resources to make one Refined Pigment, which means you may have to hunt down multiple animals or find several plants in your world to use at the Mortar Station.

Refinded Pigment is a critical resource for making Ink. You need to make Ink if you want to create Realm Cards, which is how you explore the other worlds and go through the portals in Nightingale. It’s in the major quest as you progress through your story, so expect to need to track down these resources and have them readily available at your camp. I recommend making more than you need to craft Alchemical Ink to make sure you can use it at a later point.
You can expect to use Refined Pigment for other resources as you continue learning more recipes and unlock additional Workbenches. Each world has distinct items for you to unlock, and they’re waiting for you to discover as you progress further into the main story of Nightingale.
Published: Feb 21, 2024 08:16 pm