Cosplay is a major part of any fandom, but eventually, it crosses over into everyday wear like the newly-fitted leggings based on Magic: The Gathering characters.
The meme “stupid sexy Jace” (The Simpsons) is echoing through the halls of MTG with Magic introducing a new line of clothing from Wild Bangarang (WB) in the U.K. Set to release on Aug. 23, WB is reviving the fandom leggings for better or worse.
The apparel is great for cosplayers and can also be worn as daily wear to show some love for MTG. For the Magic fandom, there isn’t much in the way of clothing to display one’s love for the game. And since yoga pants seem to be trending again, now could be the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon.
Everyone isn’t on board with the new MTG planeswalker leggings (The Simpsons jokes aside), but they don’t have to be since Wild Bangarang is also launching dresses and sleeveless hoodies. These seem ideal for cosplay and they could also transition nicely into casual everyday fandom apparel.
With the announcement of a new esports path and the growth of MTG Arena, it’s only natural for companies like WB to begin partnering with WotC. Women’s apparel for fandom typically gets left in the shadows behind T-shirts and men’s hoodies or jackets. And while everyone might not be into fitted leggings, this certainly seems like a step in the right direction.
Published: Aug 19, 2019 3:43 PM UTC