Each main series Pokémon title adds its own Legendary species, who usually work as the visual representation of the games. In Generation IV, set in the Sinnoh region, these species are known as the Creation Trio: Dialga and Palkia appear on the covers of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, respectively, while Giratina appears on the cover of enhanced version Pokémon Platinum.
Pokémon in the Creation Trio, also known as Deity Trio or Dragon Trio, were created by Arceus and each of them has control over an element of reality. Dialga represents time, Palkia represents space, and Giratina, the darkest of the trio, represents antimatter. There is also a longer story involving Giratina’s banishment and revenge for fans who like the narrative aspect of the series.
These species appear in two variants: the so-called Origin Forme, which is said to be the way they were created, plus a main version, which for Giratina is named Altered Forme. And the good news is that both are available in Pokémon Go. But you might be wondering if the Ghost/Dragon dual type can also be Shiny if you’re looking to add it to your PokéDex.
Can Altered Forme Giratina be Shiny in Pokémon Go?
Altered Forme Giratina was added to Pokémon Go during the Halloween celebrations in 2018. As a Ghost type, the Renegade Pokémon is bound to return to Raids around spooky season, like it did in the first segment of the 2022 Halloween event. This form is available as a Shiny, a version added to the game back in September 2019.
Instead of the regular shades of red and yellow, Shiny Altered Giratina is a bright blue with gray and beige highlights.
Can Origin Forme Giratina be Shiny in Pokémon Go?
Added to Pokémon Go a couple of years later, in April 2019, Origin Forme Giratina also returned for Halloween 2022, but in the second segment of the event. Its Shiny version has been available since October 2020.
Shiny Origin Giratina, like its Altered Forme counterpart, is also a bright blue with gray and beige highlights.
Published: Oct 26, 2022 08:53 am