Which LoL champion says ‘Brother to warriors resting beneath wheat. Son of battles a thousand times lost. I know who I am, and I will show the gods what I can become’?

Well, I have been asking for longer quotes all month...

League of Legends art showing Ekko, Annie, Kayn, Lux, and Lucian preparing to engage in combat.
Image via Riot Games

We finally got another obnoxiously long LoLdle quote today. Despite this voice line clocking in at 28 words, though, it probably won’t be one of the most difficult puzzles for many League of Legends players to figure out.

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Who says “Brother to warriors resting beneath wheat. Son of battles a thousand times lost. I know who I am, and I will show the gods what I can become” in LoL?

The LoLdle quote for June 27 is “Brother to warriors resting beneath wheat. Son of battles a thousand times lost. I know who I am, and I will show the gods what I can become!” The League champion who says this is Pantheon.

Screenshot of the LoLdle quote answer for June 27, 2024
This quote just gave me 300 vibes. Screenshot by Dot Esports

With a quote this long, it can be tough to just focus on one or two words for clues. But for me, phrases like “warriors,” “battles,” and “gods” stood out after reading this voice line and gave me the feeling this was said by a battle-tested champion.

Honestly, I immediately started thinking about movies like 300 and Gladiator (because of the mention of wheat, too), and that led to me naming Pantheon with my first guess. If Pantheon wasn’t correct, I probably would’ve tried to guess Noxus-related champs—I’m still waiting on more news on Ambessa Medarda, Riot.

I’m not a Pantheon player, so I feel like this quote should be easy for most League fans to solve unless they just get a completely different vibe after reading the voice line. Regardless, this is the second-longest LoLdle quote I’ve seen lately, just under the 32-word quote from May 27.

Image of Justin Binkowski
Justin Binkowski
Dot Esports Editor. I primarily play, watch, and write about Call of Duty but can also occasionally be found feeding the enemy ADC in League of Legends. I have been following competitive Call of Duty since 2011 and writing about it since 2015.