There are some League of Legends champions that are always popular, no matter the meta. Those who have played the game for years most likely know a few of them. Now, surprisingly or not, three of the most annoying champions have the highest pick rates in the mid lane.
Yasuo, Zed, and Yone boast are the most-picked mid laners in all ranks in Patch 13.17, according to a League stats site U.GG. Two brothers, Yasuo and Yone, sit at 12.1 and 9.7 percent, respectively, while Zed has a 12 percent pick rate. For the record, this adds up to around 700,000 to 900,000 matches played for each champion this patch.
Despite being picked a lot, these champions clearly aren’t great in the current meta. They all have a win rate below 50 percent at the time of writing.
Zed, Yone, and Yasuo are assassins that have great outplay potential if you get the laning phase right. They’re typically known as champions who can decide the outcome of a game, but many players pick them without the right preparation. League players, especially in the lower ranks, are often tempered and tend to rage or leave games after something doesn’t go their way.
All three are generally seen as annoying to play with or against. If you have one of them on your team, the chance are they’ll start trolling when they lose their lane. On the other hand, if you play against them and they’re in the hands of a skilled player, you’ll likely get absolutely dominated. It seems like there’s no in-between. From my experience, it’s always one or the other.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t cool-headed Yasuo, Zed, or Yone players. They’re just rare.
Published: Sep 8, 2023 03:29 am